God wants us to be full of Him, his grace, His mercy, His Spirit, His Love.
10/14/2006 by Tom Norvell
Messing up his communication with his wife, Paul learns the lesson of the importance of good communication.
10/13/2006 by Paul Faulkner
A humorous story about a date is a reminder of how hard it can be to communicate well.
10/12/2006 by Rubel Shelly
We have a hard time understanding because we don't hear or listen to understand what Jesus is saying to us!
10/11/2006 by Russ Lawson
This is an honest look at repentance and sorrow and life change, and reminds us that God's goal isn't our sorrow, but our reformed life.
10/10/2006 by Mike Barres
The awful murders in our schools several weeks ago almost went unnoticed because we were so busy focusing on the Terrell Owens soap opera which shows how messed up we really are.
10/09/2006 by Phil Ware
The price of gasoline kicks off some creative questioning by Russ as he wrestles with the serious desensitization that has occurred in many lives.
10/08/2006 by Russ Lawson
We all need time for real, genuine, rest.
10/07/2006 by Alan Smith
The greatest miracle of all is the one that occurs every day in the lives of people who are found by grace and changed.
10/06/2006 by Paul Faulkner
When do we have enough stuff and can we say no to acquiring more?
10/05/2006 by Rubel Shelly
We create echoes by our life, so what kind of echo will you hear from the people around you?
10/04/2006 by Larry Davies
No matter what others say or do to make you feel useless, Jesus loves you and has demonstrated again and again that you are useful to him!
10/03/2006 by Patrick D. Odum
After reading the passage again, have you seen anything new, like maybe it should apply in everything you do -- the Golden Rule!
10/02/2006 by Phil Ware
God longs to help supply us with our need, just as he did with the apostles trying to feed the 5000.
10/01/2006 by Alan Smith
How many things have we been putting off that need doing that remain undone?
09/30/2006 by Joey Cope
Some folks are takers, getting everything they can out of life and sucking it dry or leeches who suck the life out of everyone around them who have it.
09/29/2006 by Paul Faulkner
Lift up your eyes is a call for vision, a call to not walk in fear of danger, but to look for the new, the glory, the things God is calling us to embrace.
09/28/2006 by Bill Sherrill
Four views of God in today's culture remind us of the basic truth that we all have a hunger to know the Almighty!
09/27/2006 by Rubel Shelly
We have all sorts of trouble, heartache, grief, disappointment, discouragement in this world, but Jesus has overcome the world and given us victory.
09/26/2006 by Tom Norvell
Jesus gave up his spirit, but he did not give up his mission, his mercy, his grace.
09/25/2006 by Phil Ware
A duck that dances on a pot reveals the secret to shining our light and keeping our candle lit so that we can influence others.
09/24/2006 by Alan Smith
A mother's lame explanation for child abuse makes us realize how easy and horrible it is to explain away our own responsibility.
09/23/2006 by Rubel Shelly
Jesus accomplished all he was sent to do because he put God's kingdom and his righteousness first.
09/22/2006 by Paul Faulkner
We can cry out to God and know he hears us and that our children and our grandchildren's futures are in his hands.
09/21/2006 by Tom Norvell
We are to carry the distinctive fragrance of Jesus with us anywhere we go.
09/20/2006 by Patrick D. Odum