A hard difficult trip and a close connection after a flight delay turns out to be a good chance for Joey Cope to learn a lesson about God's power to use us as we are.
09/19/2006 by Joey Cope
Jesus finished his work, accomplished his mission, completed his task, passed his test, and when his life was over he was victorious.
09/18/2006 by Phil Ware
The abduction and final escape of Natascha from Priklopil, we are given a story about how our viewpoint gets skewed.
09/17/2006 by Rubel Shelly
A return of money from a thief reminds us that we must seek to right the wrongs we've committed.
09/16/2006 by Patrick D. Odum
God can forgive all of our mistakes, sins, and failiures.
09/15/2006 by Paul Faulkner
No matter how bad things get, we are never hopeless.
09/14/2006 by Tom Norvell
The plane crash in Lexington, Kentucky brought out all sorts of emotions in the hearts of people and reminds us how death touches us all and our need for the promises of Jesus.
09/13/2006 by Teresa Bell Kindred
Burn out seems to happen more and more frequently, but when see why it happens, we realize that folks are losing sight of the goal and are often motivated for the wrong reasons.
09/12/2006 by Bill Sherrill
A call to remember the events of 911 or 9/11.
09/11/2006 by Phil Ware
Many events in our lives change us forever, our lives will never be the same as a result, and Jesus is one of those life-changing events.
09/10/2006 by Tom Norvell
When a proposal goes bad because of a plane crash, does the groom still get his request answered?
09/09/2006 by Patrick D. Odum
Our descisions have consequences and these choices are not inconsequential to our children and grandchildren.
09/08/2006 by Paul Faulkner
Often the difficult things in our lives we want to blame on God are really only the result or consequences of our own bad choices and decisions and actions.
09/07/2006 by Russ Lawson
Life is accomplished and made worthwhile by sticking to our goals and doing things one step, one brick, at a time.
09/06/2006 by Larry Zinck
Both God and satan use the principle of tenacity and persistence to shape and form things just like nature does, but how we use it is everything.
09/05/2006 by Bill Sherrill
We work hard and that is good, but we also need to rest faithfully and easily and enjoy the rest God has called us to keep.
09/04/2006 by Phil Ware
Mike learns to not put off prayer, but when someone has a need, he says, "Let's pray right now!"
09/02/2006 by Mike Barres
Paul has a scare while tending his goats and it makes him realize the urgency of now, of doing the things today that need to be done and saying the things that need to be said right now.
09/01/2006 by Paul Faulkner
A grandchild celebrates birthday one and a grandmother celebrates birthday fifty and both rejoice in the gift of now.
08/31/2006 by Teresa Bell Kindred
A kid who goes through a tantrum meltdown faces off with his mom who uses the scream free technique to help the child learn boundaries and not embarrass himself.
08/30/2006 by Jenny Runkel
A dumpster with the word grace written on it reminds Tammy Marcelain of the great work that God can do in our lives to bring hope and joy and meaning when we receive His grace.
08/29/2006 by Tammy Marcelain
The beauty of things visible on earth or in us is a great reminder of God's greatness and love for us.
08/28/2006 by Phil Ware
Hospitality is the Christian virtue of entertaining strangers, outsiders, and guests and recognizing in them angels or even the presence of God in the Trinity.
08/27/2006 by Scott Owings
So often we don't let God have control of our lives and we want to be the driver to our own loss.
08/26/2006 by Russ Lawson
Religion often addes burdens to people's backs, but Jesus came and relieved burdens.
08/25/2006 by Alan Smith