Articles Tagged '' (Page 143)

Living Life in Balance

How are you doing on life's see-saw?

We need to be balance in our lives -- physically, spiritually, and relationally.

Get Out of the Car!

Would you have just driven on by in your car?

So often we don't live a life of faith because we are afraid to get out of the car and get involved!

The Value of Pain

Does pain really serve a useful purpose?

Pain is not always bad -- it is necessary to help us know where we need to change and be changed by the Father.

Hold Up?

Are you helping, hurting, or just in the way?

We can stand in the way of reaching the lost or we can open the highway to let folks come to Jesus!

A Coach's Choice

Would you have given a boy with these struggles a chance?

Thank God for those who give others in unfortunate situations a chance to succeed.

Failure Notice

Do you feel like your prayers bounced and came back to you?

Our prayers get to God, they don't bounce back to us and we can be sure about that because Jesus intercedes for us.

The Definition of a Real Leader

What makes someone a true leader?

True leadership is found in following Jesus' example as a servant, not in winning at any cost!


Can you be trusted with precious and dangerous information?

Confidentiality is crucial to maintain when secrets have been entrusted to us.

Give and It Will Be Given to You

So what are you really offering to the Lord for His service?

While we are to give a tithe, the tithe is just a reminder to us that everything we have belongs to God.

He Has No Hold on Me

Are you truly free?

Don't you wish you could say, like Jesus said, that the devil or Satan has no hold on you?

With the Help of Friends

What do you do when you can't do it alone.

We need to be accountable and get the support of friends.

He Is Lord

Do you want the Lord without the Lordship?

We all too often want to have the promises of God without commitment to his Kingdom work.

What They See Is What You Really Love

What do you really love?

What we really love shines through and shows others our heart and will reveal or not reveal our passion for God.


How can they know your love if you don't share yourself?

Without transparency we cannot fully share our love or be loved by another.

The Task at Hand

How can we begin to help in a world so full of hurt?

We can't help everybody, or even most bodies, but we can help the person nearest us.

Battery Life and Shining Lights

What does it take to keep your battery charged?

Keeping us going in ministry, keeping our lights shining, requires us to spend time alone with God.

The Toll Over the Long Haul

What difference does a little criticism really make?

Criticism hurts even when, or maybe especially when, it is dressed in pretty packages and given to us over a long time.

Personality or Person?

How do you view your church leaders?

We've got to move from viewing people as personalities to seeing them as people to love.

God in the Dark

How do we move from self-reliance to God reliance?

A trip through deep depression forces our writer to look at reliance, dependence upon God, and finding hope when there doesn't seem to be much reason to hope.

Arriving Home

When are we going to get there?

What happens to people when they die is a lot like trying to tell kids how much farther it is to granny's house!

Vulnerable God

What makes God's love so irresistable?

God's vulnerability, his openness in Jesus to his emotions, is captivating.

Making Life Count

What mark will your life leave on the world if you go through it unscathed?

If we want our lives to count, we have to be willing to face hard times.

Beware of Befriending your Fears

What is your fear keeping you from doing?

Fear can keep us from many things, but mostly fear keeps us from life!

Embellishment Opportunities

Have you felt the clean up of the Master's brush?

A mom's work at writing Scripture on her daughter's wall leads to a great opportnity to learn about God's grace.

Falling on our Face

Did her Olympic disaster remind you of anyone you know?

Failure and falling on our face is a part of life, the real question is whether or not we'll keep getting up.