We all need to deal with the real issue in our lives and not just the fake ones or the cosmetic ones.
10/24/2005 by Phil Ware
Kindness is a trait of God that we need to have and to share.
10/23/2005 by Joseph Mazella
Hope and help in times of trouble come from God who is ... always is.
10/22/2005 by Tom Norvell
Sometimes we just need to do things out of sense of duty to be faithful.
10/21/2005 by Alan Smith
We must live for God's purpose and also seek to be useful.
10/20/2005 by Cary Branscum
Contmentment can be learned and with it comes lasting happiness.
10/19/2005 by Bill Sherrill
We are not God, we are not in control, and so we need to surrender and let God take control of our lives.
10/18/2005 by Rubel Shelly
All earthly homecomings should remind us of our ultimate joyful homecoming to God.
10/17/2005 by Phil Ware
We must remember those who have gone before us and learn the lessons they have left us!
10/16/2005 by Patrick D. Odum
The whole news media ignored the biggest story of the hurricanes -- the overwhelming help, compassion, and generosity of people to help their neighbors.
10/15/2005 by Rubel Shelly
God made men and women as complements of each other and we need each other.
10/14/2005 by Alan Smith
Driver's Ed teaches us that we have to drive responsibly for everyone, not just ourselves!
10/13/2005 by Joey Cope
Life is full of all sorts of problems and curve balls: how we handle them determins our real faith.
10/12/2005 by Mike Barres
We are only as old as we choose to be, since God made us to be eternal.
10/11/2005 by Joseph Mazella
Heaven is our home, not earth, and we must live like heaven is our home.
10/10/2005 by Phil Ware
So often good churches slip into bad habits and then begin to die: do you know the signs of a dying church?
10/09/2005 by Jeff Lee
We must realize that with our blessings comes the responsibility to use them generously.
10/08/2005 by Tom Norvell
We must remember that faith should move us to obey and to act and to be faithful.
10/07/2005 by Alan Smith
Being nice is important if we are going to influence others.
10/06/2005 by Mike Barres
When the world sees us, do we show that we are willing to admit our failures and seek to make things right?
10/05/2005 by Russ Lawson
Grace means we have a lifestyle of yes, not a lifestyle of no.
10/04/2005 by Ron Rose
Our first and primary citizenship must be our allegiance to the Kingdom of God.
10/03/2005 by Phil Ware
While we are gifted and called by God to our ministries, we must commit to fan into flame the gifts given us!
10/02/2005 by Elizabeth Price
We must return to the pure and simple faith of trusting in Christ.
10/01/2005 by Tom Norvell
Don't follow a blind guide dog!
09/30/2005 by Alan Smith