Articles Tagged '' (Page 149)

Swept Clean

Does it do the job or does it simply make things look better for awhile?

We all need to deal with the real issue in our lives and not just the fake ones or the cosmetic ones.

Ripples of Kindness

What kind thing have you done today?

Kindness is a trait of God that we need to have and to share.

God Is

What is our hope in times of uncertainty?

Hope and help in times of trouble come from God who is ... always is.

Out of a Sense of Duty

What is your motivation to serve?

Sometimes we just need to do things out of sense of duty to be faithful.

An Old Timer in His Service

Are you getting a little too old for this?

We must live for God's purpose and also seek to be useful.

The Secret of Contentment

How happy are you?

Contmentment can be learned and with it comes lasting happiness.

Why I'm Quitting

Isn't it time you gave up?

We are not God, we are not in control, and so we need to surrender and let God take control of our lives.


When's the last time you thought about the your ultimate homecoming?

All earthly homecomings should remind us of our ultimate joyful homecoming to God.

Cloud of Witnesses

What do you know about those who have gone before you?

We must remember those who have gone before us and learn the lessons they have left us!

The Story They Missed!

Why weren't these things mentioned?

The whole news media ignored the biggest story of the hurricanes -- the overwhelming help, compassion, and generosity of people to help their neighbors.

Beyond the 'Not Good'

When was the last time you emphasized how much he or she means to you?

God made men and women as complements of each other and we need each other.

Driving Lessons

Where can we learn the real truth about living in a conflict filled world?

Driver's Ed teaches us that we have to drive responsibly for everyone, not just ourselves!

Do We Hurt the Ones We Love?

Is living throwing you nothing but curve balls?

Life is full of all sorts of problems and curve balls: how we handle them determins our real faith.

Ageless and Timeless

How old are you getting to be these days?

We are only as old as we choose to be, since God made us to be eternal.

Going Home

Where is your real home?

Heaven is our home, not earth, and we must live like heaven is our home.

Signs of a Dying Church?

How is your congregation doing?

So often good churches slip into bad habits and then begin to die: do you know the signs of a dying church?

Overwhelmingly Blessed

When was the last time you counted your blessings?

We must realize that with our blessings comes the responsibility to use them generously.

Things I Learned from Noah

Can we really learn anything from Noah?

We must remember that faith should move us to obey and to act and to be faithful.

Are You Nice?

So is it really important that we are nice and courteous?

Being nice is important if we are going to influence others.

I Messed Up Your Butter

Are you willing to admit your offenses?

When the world sees us, do we show that we are willing to admit our failures and seek to make things right?

The Uncle of Yes!

Are you a yes person or a no person?

Grace means we have a lifestyle of yes, not a lifestyle of no.


Where is your primary citizenship?

Our first and primary citizenship must be our allegiance to the Kingdom of God.

Fan into Flame

How can we fire it up a notch?

While we are gifted and called by God to our ministries, we must commit to fan into flame the gifts given us!

Pure and Simple

How pure is your faith?

We must return to the pure and simple faith of trusting in Christ.

Who Will You Follow?

What sets the direction to your life?

Don't follow a blind guide dog!