Articles Tagged '' (Page 159)

Don't Forget

Can you remember what you most recently forgot?

We are a forgetful people and lose so many valuable things of faith because we don't remember what God has done.

Ouch! Oops! Owie!

What do you do when you mess up?

I messed up by assigning the wrong author to the article, but I'm not going to rationalize my mistake away!

If You Stay Close to Me, You Won't Get Wet

Will you share the umbrella?

Taking a dog out for a walk proves to be a convicting moment about our stupidity in not staying close to God.

Until He Comes

Can you wait until he returns?

A child waiting for morning and mommy reminds us that we are waiting for Jesus' return.

Where Are You Going?

Where will you be when you finally arrive at your destination?

We need to know where we are trying to go spiritually if we ever hope to get there.


What would keep you from doing what you need to do?

We must not let critics intimidate us into being silent about the truth of Jesus.

It Doesn't Fix Everything

What can money fix in your life?

Wealth, money, can help with some things, but not everything!

Living Up to the Price?

Are we living up to the price paid to purchase our freedom?

Is the high cost of freedom worth the price? Am I living up to the price paid for my freedom?

Do You Get the Point?

How much to help those who need someone in their lives?

The real point of life is being willing to be a friend those who need relationships.

A Lizard's Tail?

What's so important about an ol' dead lizard's tail?

We face temptation to sin, but sin is an old, dying, worthless lizard's tail.

Weighed Down

What are you trying to carry around with you that is hindering you?

Most of us are trying to carry around things that don't matter very much and they are weighing us down from doing what God wants!

Dared to Hope

If only we would trust that the Lord can make us all grow!

We've got to believe that God can bring growth out of tough and impossible situations!

Strength and Help in Our Time of Need

Could you keep on coming after so many years and trips?

Sometimes we don't have answers, but we just have to keep on keepin' on trusting that God will be faithful and bring us home.

Seeing or Believing

What comes first, seeing or believing?

Some things we have to believe before we can see them!

Glory Awaits!

Where is your life hidden?

The eternal part of us, our life, is hidden away with Christ in God and glory awaits.

Last Man to Surrender

When is it time to surrender?

Sometimes we need to resign from the war and surrender, trusting that we have the ultimate victory in Jesus.

The Visible Difference

How can we see more stars in the sky?

When we truly focus on God's word, it can come to life for us just like we can see the stars after our eyes get used to the darkness.

Showing God's Love

How can you communicate when you don't know the language?

Our actions nearly always speak louder than our words, especially when people cannot understand our words!

The Next Day

What are you going to do on the next day?

We all face the let down of failures on the next day; how will we handle the next day?

Promises, Disclaimers, and Warnings

When is a disclaimer good news?

God's disclaimers are much better than those on medicine bottles!

Naysayers are Circling

Can you hold on to your dreams when those around you doubt?

Don't let criticism, jealousy, envy, or opposition keep you from pursuing your dreams of doing something significant for God.

Just a Small Sliver of Light

Where did that laser beam come from, anyway?

In a world of darkness, an intensely focused life is going to emit a lot of light in our dark world.

A Titanic Truth

Have you been saved in every way a person can be saved?

The movie Titanic gripped our hearts, but only Jesus offers permanent love, rescue, and salvation.

Letters from My Sisters

Have you noticed how sweet your sister's voice is to your ears?

Women, sisters in Christ, are such a blessing for support, friendship, help and encouragement.

Deeper Than That

How deep is His love?

No matter how we understand God's love, it is deeper than we can imagine.