We need to recover the lost art of giving thanks and there are some steps we can take to do just that.
11/22/2004 by Phil Ware
God has promised to know us and love us and quiet us with his love.
11/21/2004 by Tom Norvell
So often, we try to face every challenge rather than to rest in the peace of the Lord's victory and just be.
11/20/2004 by Elizabeth Price
While many folks can hear, they often don't listen and refuse to hear the things they most need to hear.
11/19/2004 by Alan Smith
We must not get too attached to home here on earth, it is just a temporary place and we are transients here.
11/18/2004 by Patrick D. Odum
If we are willing, we can love the unlovable and encourage them to know Jesus.
11/17/2004 by Betty Jo Mings
Too many people are put on the back shelf of life and we need to find them and reclaim them just as Baranabas once did.
11/16/2004 by Russ Lawson
We need to live with a greater sense of urgency and intention because salvation is nearer now than ever before.
11/15/2004 by Phil Ware
While we can get sickened by election rhetoric, sometimes good lessons can be learned from good men!
11/14/2004 by Katha Winther
Exercise can cause pain, but that pain is necessary to help us grow and see things more clearly.
11/13/2004 by Joey Cope
A mirror helps us see what we need to correct; God's word is that mirror for our spiritual behavior.
11/12/2004 by Alan Smith
Sometimes we have to come face to face with someone else's guilt to see our own.
11/11/2004 by Jeff Scott
A move that left Kelly missing two neighbors and their pets left a hole in heart until she realized that God had filled her life with new friends and new pets.
11/10/2004 by Kelly Breece
We all get a little blue or depressed; here are 10 suggestions to help us.
11/09/2004 by Lou Seckler
Sometimes we face difficulties and trials, but the big challenge is bearing up under the weight of incessant trials, problems, difficulties.
11/08/2004 by Phil Ware
We must pray for those facing persecution.
11/07/2004 by Straight from the Bible
True religion is more than just spouting off religious phrases and remaining isolated from worldly people -- it means to take the sin and worldliness out of people and take care of them.
11/06/2004 by Straight from the Bible
God convicts Israel because of her sin. We must pray not to be this nation.
11/05/2004 by Straight from the Bible
We must recognize that our highest allegiance is to the Lord Jesus and His Kingdom and so we are all aliens.
11/04/2004 by Straight from the Bible
We can and must be good citizens of the nation we find ourselves in.
11/03/2004 by Straight from the Bible
Reminder that our hope must be in the Lord.
11/02/2004 by Straight from the Bible
We should be a people in prayer at times like these.
11/01/2004 by Phil Ware
Don't simply get rid of evil, but fill your life with goodness!
10/31/2004 by David Smith
We will never make it trying to live in the middle: it is the place of collisions and disasters.
10/30/2004 by Jeff Scott
While time and daily life may wear away the newness of a marriage or our first love to Jesus, we can and must recapture it.
10/29/2004 by Alan Smith