Articles Tagged '' (Page 168)

Rescued from the Refuse Heap

Have you been rescued?

God rescued Hannah and us from the garbage heap of our lives.

Will They Walk in My Footsteps?

What do you have for

We are going to pass along something to our kids, let's make sure it is worthwhile!

Like Father

Look how far will they go to follow your example?

We have a profound impact on others through our example.

In the Wake of the Storm

What did you do when the lights went out?

The storm comes through and all the lights go out and the electricity doesn't work.

Sometimes We Have to Eat Our Words

This is not something you want to have to choke down!

We can't understand everything and we can't fix everything and being in the presence of God helps humble us to that truth.

In Jesus' Shoes

Have you ever walked in his sandals?

Jesus wants us to share his compassion with others.

In Tandem with Jesus

Will we let Jesus be the Ringmaster of our lives?

Even when things go horribly bad, we can work in tandem with Jesus.

Join the Procession

Have you been by to honor him?

Jesus didn't have a head of state funeral, but his life has counted more than any other leader every.

Our Transit Across the Son

Just how significant is my life?

God takes our small lives and fills it meaning and purpose even though its time is short.

Throw Away Your Ring

Can you get rid of that sin that entangles you?

Throwing away the ring, getting rid of our sin is crucial if we are to bring peace to our world and those around us.

Where Do You Take Them?

What do you do when you have those who offend you

When someone has hurt you and you can get even, what are you going to do?

We Did It Last Year

Doing the same thing the same way often means the same results!

We can and must learn from our mistakes!

Risky Business

Facing fear? Find Godpower to keep going.

Opening yourself up and becoming vulnerable is a risky, scary thing - but you've got to do it to grow! Find the Godpower you need to take the next right step.

Secure In My Insecurities

Can we really be honest about our weaknesses?

God not only makes us strong in our weakness, but he uses our weaknesses to do his work.


Have you seen an angel running around oncology lately?

This is a story about a needed ministry to those battling cancer called ChemoAngels.

Why Do We Do It?

What keeps us doing the Heartlight ministry?

Request for help and an explanation why we keep Heartlight going.

No Pain Like Your Child's Pain

How could God allow His Son to do it for us?

It hurts to see our children experiencing pain so imagine how God feels about our pain!

Good Surgeons Try to Minimize Blood Loss

What kind of heart enjoys destroying another?

Righteous hearts do not enjoy ripping apart another even when they other is wrong.

Missed Opportunities

Don't sit there waiting for the right horse to come along!

If we wait too long for the right opportunity to come along, we'll miss our chance to serve, bless, and help!

Independent and Self-Sufficient

Can anything good come out of a serious motorcycle injury?

Good things can happen out of bad things if we find our sense of purpose!

Baggage Claim

Did they make the flight or lose the opportunity?

A rush to the airport and nearly missing a flight turns into a blessing when someone's kindness saves the trip.

Here is God!

Where can you find God on your map?

God takes away the fear of strange places.

Be Strong and Courageous

Why should we be strong and courageous?

God wants us to be courageous and strong as we enter into the areas or territory in our lives.

New Windows

What would you see if you had new windows in your church?

We must view the world outside our churches in new ways, especially through the eyes of compassion like Jesus did.

Shelter in The Storm?

Can you find a place to protect you from life's weather?

Life is full of storms, so where and to whom will you go to find your shelter in the storm?