Articles Tagged '' (Page 170)

Snow from Above

Snow on Eater, how can it be?

Sometimes God's surprising comfort comes at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected places.

Our Heritage

What are we designed to do?

Humans have souls and live forever.

Keep Your Mouth Shut

Can you resist the urge to speak when you shouldn't?

Sometimes we need to keep our mouths shut and not say a word!

The Passion: How Has It Changed You?

Seeing the Passion has made a difference in many — how about you?

We need to ask ourselves what are we going to do with Jesus' passion in the long term.

Passion or Person?

Why all the talk about the Passion?

God loves us so much that he sent his Son to save us.

Christian First!

What comes first in your life?

We should be a Christian and seek Christ's purposes for our life and his Kingdom as our first priority.

The Church of Today!

When do you want our young people to start?

We cannot wait for our teens and young adults to grow older before we use them in service to the Kingdom.

Sailors and Maps

Do we really know where we're headed?

There is a huge difference between rules and relationships!

And Yet ...

What do you still lack?

We're not there yet if we haven't become a Christian and we're just a good person.

Add-On Options

What needs to be added to your options?

God doesn't charge us for his extras -- aren't you glad!

Learning to Pray

How do you pray?

Prayer is learned and we need to learn from Jesus how to pray.

Right in Place at Just the Right Time

Will you be where you need to be?

God gets us where we need to be when we need to be there!

Are You Listening to Me?

Is anybody listening?

We need to learn to listen better if we ever hope to connect with other people.

Answer My Prayers

What's the greatest answer to our prayers?

Thanksgiving is the great blessing in prayer that we must always participate in.

More Than a Magical Symbol

What does the Cross mean to you?

The Cross must be more than a mere magical symbol to ward off evil, it must be the power of God for our lives.

Dubious Distinction

What do you want to be know for doing in your life?

People are forming their ideas each day by what we do leaving our legacy.

Second Chances

If you're breathing, God's given you one of these!

If you can breathe today, you've been given another day and another second chance at going God's will right!

Sorry Rocks

What has repentance led you to change?

Repentance leads us to life change, not to just doing the same ol' relgious thing each week.

Say a Prayer for Me

What can we do to help others in the middle of their messes?

What can we do when it seems we can't do anything? We can pray.

Our Hearts are Alive with the Sound of Music

What would life be like without it?

Music is indispensable to us and our lives would be much deprived without it!

Clean Spring Rains

How clean can you get?

When we forgive, it cleanses us like a spring rain.

Doubting Thomas and Resurrection Faith

Do you ever doubt?

Take confidence in the risen Lord and share his message with many others!

Not Yet What It Will Be

Are you not there yet?

We must not give up on ourselves or each other because we are not there yet!

Great Hope

What kind of hope do you have?

We don't grieve as those who have no hope because we have great hope in Jesus' resurrection.

Did Jesus Wear Glasses?

Do we know the real Jesus?

To remember anew how God sees me through the lenses of His love is a priceless gift. I was reminded in communion last Sunday, looking at my son, seeing God's son.