Articles Tagged '' (Page 176)

Eaten Away from the Inside

Don't let him eat away at your life!

Satan likes to sneak in and set up shop and begin his destructive work in our lives when we are unsuspecting.

Identity Theft?

Don't let Satan rob you of your identity in the Lord.

We are God's children; let's not let anything steal away our identity!

Haunting Words

Grace for the times an eraser can't undo what we say.

We all say things we truly mean, but we prove ourselves unfaithful to our commitments and can't follow through with our promises; it's then that Jesus' words and Peter's reply become doubly important.

The Other Side

What lies on the other side of OUR death?

While we may not know exactly what is on the other side of our death, we know God is there and that is more than enough!

6 Dollars Worth of Thanksgiving

What gift of value could 6 dollars buy?

Nothing blesses us than to see those we love being generous with others -- that's true thanksgiving!

Be Still and Give Thanks to God

Can we be still and give thanks in our times of chaos?

God cares for us and beckons us to the quiet stillness to know he is in control and give us a chance to give him our thanksgiving.

Complain or Lament?

So what's the big difference?

What is the difference between complaint and lament?

How Are You Spending Your Life?

How are you spending the capital of your moments?

Every day is a gift to spent wisely, but once it is gone, it can't be spent again.

Delays of Grace

What good can we find in a major delay?

Often the delays in our plans are really God being gracious and giving us what we need and not what we want or plan.

Times are Changing

So you think you have it figured out? It's going to change!

With everything in our lives changing all the time, it is very nice to know that Jesus doesn't change.

The Pains of Childbirth

What's it feel like to be pregnant?

We are in the time of pain, the time of pregnancy, waiting for the birth of our ultimate life in with God.

Report Card Day

What's your grade going to be?

While we may be flawed, God is compassionate, loving, and forigiving, and through Jesus, he will find ways to save us!


Is Jesus your friend?

There are all sorts defitions of friendship, but the bottom line is whether are not we are willing to let Jesus be our friend?

Eternal Gifts

What's eternal about about a power blue baby outfit?

So many things we have are temporary, but the ones that are most important are the ones that help us hang on to the eternal.

Bent on Self-Destruction

What do we do with folks bent on destroying themselves?

Sometimes those who show themselves to be very self-destructive just need someone to help them get some rest and encouragement.


How can we ever get out of simply reacting to crises?

So often leaders do not do their most important work, living out God's purpose for them, because they are so busy handling problems and crises.

Getting Even

Are you really sure you can get even?

For many people "getting even" is what they're interested in and they won't be satisfied until it's done. They don't want someone to escape justice. Unfortunately, they fail to realize that never happens on this side of heaven's judgement.

Last Forever?

What do you have that will last forever?

Everything that isn't from God will fade, perish, die, and pass away.

Touching Jesus

Have you ever touched Jesus? You've had a chance to touch him!

When we touch those in need and treat them with dignity, we are touching Jesus.

Domonic's Fan Club

Do you have someone who needs you to believe in him?

Some folks are just needing someone to believe in them and take a shot at helping them make it; are we willing?

The Gospel According to Radio

Have you seen the Gospel demonstrated lately?

Sometimes it is helpful to just see the Gospel of Jesus demonstrated; that's what the movie Radio helps do for us.

Honor the Dead by Helping the Living

How can we honor those who have meant so much to us in the past?

One of the very best ways to honor the memory and life of someone we respect who has died is to use what they have taught us and shown us to bless the living.

The Least of These?

How do you treat those that you don't have to be nice to?

How we treat the folks we don't HAVE to be nice to reveals a whole lot about us.

Sabbath Rest: The Key to Revived Spirits

I just don't have enough time!

God designed us to need a Sabbath rest -- not as Law, but as grace.

Who Influences Whom?

So who really made Bill Clinton President?

Who has the greatest influence, you on the world or the world on you?