Phil Ware talks about what to do when relationships are shattered and how it feels easier to trade in those relationships for new ones, but asks if this is really smartest and if it honors Christ and our walk with God.
06/02/2013 by Phil Ware
Paul Styrvoky details his experiences of sponsoring a child through Compassion International.
05/30/2013 by Paul Styrvoky
Christians grieve the loss of loved ones, but we grieve differently because even in death we have hope of a better life.
05/29/2013 by Steve Ridgell
Phil Ware reminds us about the battle for our lives and that Jesus is the only one with control over the demons, the deep, the diseases, and death.
05/27/2013 by Phil Ware
Phillip Morrison remembers a dear friend and patriot and faithful disciple named Bette Johnson.
05/26/2013 by Phillip Morrison
Mark Frost continues a series on Becoming a Yes! Church being done by Interim Ministry Partners Phil Ware, Mark Frost, Greg Anderson, and Tim Woodroof
05/25/2013 by Mark Frost
Photos often represent a "reality" that doesn't exist. They focus on the surface level. God looks beyond that, looking at the heart. How do we get our hearts right? God can fix them.
05/22/2013 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware offers some practical and important advice on what to do to help in the devastation caused by tornadoes.
05/21/2013 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly reminds us of the missing virtue of persistence -- endurance and perseverance mixed with consistency and integrity.
05/19/2013 by Rubel Shelly
My earthquake happened without warning and it helped me see what was important to remember about the earthquakes of life.
05/15/2013 by Steve Ridgell
Phil Ware writes about interim ministry and his partners, and how we can be a 'Yes" church.
05/14/2013 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware uses the story of Eve and Seth to give us encouragement for those times when we think we've failed as a parent.
05/12/2013 by Phil Ware
Phillip Morrison offers Encouraging Words about Mother's Day and the red or white flowers we wear in honor and to remember our mothers.
05/10/2013 by Phillip Morrison
Trusting is a level higher than believing. Trusting God means that we not only believe in Him but that we know without a doubt that he will do what he says and will do it with our best interest at heart.
05/08/2013 by Bill Brant
Rick Brown reminds us that in the middle of our chaotic world and the catastrophic things that have happened recently, worship still brings us into the presence of God and gives us a reason to go on!
05/07/2013 by Rick Brown
Phil Ware begins a short series on Untold Stories from the Bible and shares the story of Onesiphorus refreshing Paul while he was in prison.
05/05/2013 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly reminds us that behind the great 42 of Jackie Robinson was a heart of faith and willingness to honor Jesus in the way he dealt with injustice, hatred, and prejudice.
05/03/2013 by Rubel Shelly
The church isn't an organization; it's an organism. Membership isn't optional. If we are in Christ, in a saving relationship with him, then we are necessarily members of his body. Christians don't choose to belong to the church; if they belong to Christ,
05/01/2013 by Tim Archer
Christianity is more than a set of rules no one can follow. It is about a relationship with Jesus.
04/24/2013 by Steve Ridgell
Phil Ware continues his series on The Story and focuses on both the events at the Boston Marathon and West Texas and also on Paul's confident hope in the face of his death in a Roman prison.
04/21/2013 by Phil Ware
Rick Brown reminds us that what we need is a heart transplant from God so our heartbeat is that of Jesus.
04/19/2013 by Rick Brown
I need to think about dying. Not in a scared way, nor some kind of morbid obsession. I need to remember that death is coming… and it's not the end. I need to prepare for my real retirement, the one that will last forever. All of the "busyness" that surrou
04/17/2013 by Tim Archer
Ron Rose talks about hearing God's call to go to Mongolia in three poofs.
04/16/2013 by Ron Rose
Phil Ware continues his series on The Story and focuses on the church at Antioch and the grace that empowered the church to be all God intended it to be.
04/14/2013 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelley takes a look at coach Scott Nagy of South Dakota State and sees a great slogan: play like you are loved.
04/12/2013 by Rubel Shelly