Tom Norvell reminds us that we will all have difficult points in our journey, but let's finish strong, especially when we find ourselves in the home stretch.
10/11/2011 by Tom Norvell
Rubel Shelly talks about a Korean project to help folks not commit suicide by helping them understand what death might be like.
10/10/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware shares about the sacredness of our sexual relationship as husbands and wives and calls us to follow Jesus in how we deal with this issue.
10/09/2011 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly tells the story of Josh Ripley running cross country and helping out a fellow competitor and showing great compassion, kindness, and helpfulness, as a follower of Jesus.
10/07/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware finishes his Just One series by calling us to help others find their one song.
10/06/2011 by Phil Ware
You've got a story. It's a unique story that's being written every day. But your story needs an ending, a happy ending. And I know that the only way your story can end happily is if you make your story part of God's story.
10/05/2011 by Tim Archer
The worst part of hell is not the heat and fear. It is being separated from God. He sent His Son so that would not happen.
09/28/2011 by Steve Ridgell
Ron Rose talks about the difference and the parallel of sacred and secular work and the jobs we have and do and whether or not we are secular or sacred people.
09/27/2011 by Ron Rose
Rubel Shelly talks about trustworthiness, about keeping our word, honoring our promises, and even more, honoring God by keeping our promises.
09/26/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware continues his just one series and focuses on using our spiritual gift and the principles involved.
09/24/2011 by Phil Ware
We are connected to our iPhones, iPads, iTouch, iTunes, iMac, iChat, but have we lost the connection to the I AM?
09/21/2011 by Bill Brant
Patrick Odum writes about Alaska, Skagway, gold, searching, treasure, and the Kingdom of God.
09/20/2011 by Patrick D. Odum
Rubel Shelly writes about the serious subject of unity and division and the way we view and deal with those who are not one of us.
09/19/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Phil Ware asks what we should wear to worship God and challenges us to see all of life as sacred space!
09/15/2011 by Phil Ware
Because Jesus is more powerful than death, he can tell us to not fear death. Our belief can overcome our fear.
09/14/2011 by Tim Archer
Rubel Shelly talks about the virtue of humility and how it is in short supply these days.
09/13/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Tom Norvell reminds us that Jesus had the power to get even but did not retaliate in word or deed when he was reviled, mocked, belittled, mocked, and ridiculed.
09/12/2011 by Tom Norvell
Phil Ware revisits and reflects on 9/11 ten years later.
09/09/2011 by Phil Ware
What would Jesus do? What would Jesus not do? Tell everyone about Jesus. These are the things that determine what Christians do in their daily life.
09/07/2011 by Steve Ridgell
Ron Rose shares a very personal story about his daughter and her husband and their grandchildren and an adoption and reminds us of car games when he was a child.
09/06/2011 by Ron Rose
Tom Norvell reflects on Apple founder Steve Job's retirement and reminds us to think differently.
09/05/2011 by Tom Norvell
Phil Ware introduces many of us to the principle of doing for one what you wish you could do for everyone and how it helps us know whom to help with so many needs around us!
09/03/2011 by Phil Ware
Knowing who we are and where we are going frees us to do anything that needs doing.
08/31/2011 by Tim Archer
Rubel Shelly talks about change and our need for it or we grow obsolete and irrelevant.
08/30/2011 by Rubel Shelly
Tammy Marcelain reminds us that we are able to realize that we are God's beloved when we take time to open ourselves to Him and be still and experience that God is with us and speaks to us in whispers.
08/29/2011 by Tammy Marcelain