Articles Tagged 'Abilities'

Merry Christmas!

We pray the Lord blesses you with the grace of Jesus' presence this Christmas!

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What a Basketball Game!

March madness is here, but the best game was played in February!

Rubel Shelly takes us to El Paso and shares a story that will warm our hearts about a coach, a boy, a team, and good sportsmanship.

Through God's Eyes

How do I really look?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that our self-perceptions may be totally inaccurate.

Little Acts of Love

Now what can I really do and does it really matter?

Marsha Jordan reminds us that we may not have the skill set or talents we would choose for ourselves, but we can still change the world through small acts of love.

If You're Not Sure of Your Part

How do you find your part?

Alan Smith talks about a junior high music teacher whose students didn't play.

Secure In My Insecurities

Can we really be honest about our weaknesses?

God not only makes us strong in our weakness, but he uses our weaknesses to do his work.