Articles Tagged 'Action' (Page 2)

More Than Mere Words

How do we make our faith more than mere talk?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that religion has to do something and not just talk about a lot of things -- it must walk the talk, practice what you preach, and put your life where your mouth is.

You Didn't Learn This in Sunday School

An answer with a twist!

Ron Rose talks about being the Jesus our friends need today, not just having answers for what we believe.

C2K - Go Smaller to Go Deeper

Why worry about this smaller thing?

Phil Ware talks about our need to go deeper into the will of Jesus by getting with a group with whom we can grow and follow Jesus.

C2K - The Church that Helps People

What would they say about you and your friends?

Phil Ware continues his call to kingdom series and focusing on having the reputation as the church that helps people.

Rejections and Reactions

How can we fail forward?

Rubel Shelly talks about how badly rejection hurts and our temptation to react in negative ways, but also uses Warren Buffett as an example of someone who failed forward.


Does faith really show itself with actions?

Patrick Odum shares his experience on a backlot production center and compares a practical set with a facade and applies it to our spiritual life.

Step into the Water

Isn't it time to get off the bank and step into the water?

Russ Lawson uses the Israelite's crossing of the Jordan River at flood stage to be a reminder that God is waiting for us to step out in faith so he can act in our lives.

Putting My Life Where My Mouth Is

Are we up to our talk?

Phil Ware challenges us to leave behind intention and move out into the world of action as we seek care for our broken world and overcome the criticism that we are uncaring hypocrites who are not willing to help.

Don't Lose Focus

What distracts you most easily?

Mike Barres reminds us to not be distracted with the things going on around us but fix our eyes on Jesus.

Damocles, Spock, and Paul

So when will what you have be enough to be happy?

Russ Lawson talks about the Sword of Damocles, Mr. Spock, the apostle Paul and about being satisfied with life.

A Jesus Sign?

How are your neighbors going to know?

Patrick Odum tells about a gaudy, JESUS Christmas sign in the yard that tells everyone that the owners of the home believe Jesus is the reason for the season.

Is That All There Is?

When you get what you've always longed for, will you be satisfied?

Only God can satisfy our deepest longings. Everything else will just leave us longing for more.

The Obedience of Faith

Is it really faith if it doesn't do anything?

Belief and faith are not the same thing. Belief becomes faith when it goes into action.

Money Really Doesn’t Grow on Trees

Are you enslaved to the desire of always wanting more and better?

Money really doesn’t grow on trees -- and some of us are growing more aware of this fact every day. Truthfully, most people deal with financial stress

Divorce and Stress in Children

How can we help our children long-term?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that divorce causes stress on our children and creates a legacy that impacts their lives, so we need to learn to love each other in words and actions.

Distracted by Many Preparations

What takes your gaze away from Jesus?

It is so easy to get distracted by a lot of good things instead of focusing on Jesus, just as Martha and Mary showed us.

With Jesus, Things Happen!

Don't you want to see this?

When Jesus enters someone's life, that life will be changed ... for the better, because in Jesus, things happen!

Suffering the Consequences?

Are you tired of having to pay the piper?

Often the difficult things in our lives we want to blame on God are really only the result or consequences of our own bad choices and decisions and actions.

Get Out of the Car!

Would you have just driven on by in your car?

So often we don't live a life of faith because we are afraid to get out of the car and get involved!

Affluenza Epidemic

Have you been vaccinated against this flu?

We have got to address our addiction to things, money, greed, debt, wealth, and materialism.

Sinking or Walking

How are you doing in your walk toward Jesus?

We don't usually sink into sin all of a sudden, but it is a gradual thing that leads us away when we do not call on the Lord for help.

Is It Really All Just So Much Talk?

Does your faith move you beyond just talk?

Real faith leads us to act and not just talk about problems.

The Cost of our Tickets

Who or what really is our God?

We show by our lifestyle and our choices if we really worship God or other gods.

To Be a Mockingbird

Would you still sing without your tree?

A mockingbird reminds Bill about our need to find satisfaction in what we have.

Weighed Down

What are you trying to carry around with you that is hindering you?

Most of us are trying to carry around things that don't matter very much and they are weighing us down from doing what God wants!