Articles Tagged 'Ad' (Page 13)

Independence Day

How are we supposed to feel about all of this?

Phil Ware shares some thoughts about Independence Day, July 4, 2013, and what it means and should call us to do in our time and our situation in today's world.

Meeting God Outside the Box!

Where can we go and meet God?

Phil Ware continues his series on Out of the Box and Luke 8 and Luke 9 and the limiting expectations we have for encountering and meeting God.

Talk Less, Hug More

What's the universal language?

Ron Rose talks about his adopted grand daughter Halle Grace and how important hugs are to her.

That's You Dad!

What a sweet dedication in a book, just wish it were my own!

Russ Lawson writes about finding a book with a special inscription for fathers, dads, that reminds us that changing the world comes at a cost and so we step up to the plate and do what a dad is supposed to do.

Was It 'Just God's Will'?

Just what do you mean by that?

Rubel Shelly weighs in on the tragedy in Oklahoma, our easy explanations, and our overuse of the word just.


What do you do when things fracture between you and someone important to you?

Phil Ware talks about what to do when relationships are shattered and how it feels easier to trade in those relationships for new ones, but asks if this is really smartest and if it honors Christ and our walk with God.

It's a Time to Help, not just Talk

What can we do?

Phil Ware offers some practical and important advice on what to do to help in the devastation caused by tornadoes.

In Need of a Transplant

What does the doctor hear when he hears your heartbeat?

Rick Brown reminds us that what we need is a heart transplant from God so our heartbeat is that of Jesus.

Play Like You're Loved

Are you trying to earn it?

Rubel Shelley takes a look at coach Scott Nagy of South Dakota State and sees a great slogan: play like you are loved.

The Story: Garments of Grace

How can these grave clothes speak of a better hope?

Phil Ware continues his series that parallels The Story and he brings us to the resurrection of Jesus through the humiliation of his disciples and himself and tying his message to the garments of Jesus.

Solid Ground or Sinking Sand?

What are you building your life upon?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Story by looking at Peter's confession of Jesus and how Jesus takes flawed, broken, messed-up people and builds his church that is unstoppable.

Getting Ready

Are you ready?

We know that Jesus will come again. We have to get ready.

Getting It Wrong

Come on, now, 'fess up to the truth — it's liberating!

Russ Lawson reminds us that to err is human, that we sin, we mess up, we falter, we are wrong, we make mistakes, but God is in the cleansing and forgiving business and can take care of it if we will admit it and ask for forgiveness.

We Do Not Lose Heart

Come on! Can we really say this honestly?

Tom Norvell uses Paul's words to the Corinthians to help us know that we can keep on the journey of faith and not lose heart.


Sometimes it take the unbelievable to shake up a believer.

The story of reuniting with my sponsored child.

What is Core: Communion

When we gather in Jesus' name, something transcendent happens: He is there with us!

Phil Ware talks about what is core to our faith and then ties it to everyday meals as well as our celebration of the Lord's Supper.

Standing on the Edge of a new Adventure

What does God have in store for this New Year?

Ron Rose writes about redemption and even more of sanctification, the slow work of God to transform us into something new and better and more like Him and reminds us that this is a process.

Beginnings in Endings: Mary Did You Know?

Mary's simple life was about to come to a dramatic end!

Phil Ware finishes the year 2012 with two powerful posts or articles about Jesus' birth and the people gathered around him, and emphasizes that God's greatest beginnings are found in hard endings.

When Heroes Fall

What do we do and what can learn and how can we help?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the moral climate behind the messes that we often cause and the way out of the mess we are in.

The Long Wait

Aren't you glad Christmas is coming even on Thanksgiving?

Phil Ware talks about how important it is that Thanksgiving is followed by Christmas and he shares a personal story to remind us it is true!

Life as a Fourteen Year Old

Some things shouldn't have to be part of a fourteen year old's life experiences.

Rubel Shelly talks about the shooting of Malala Yousafzai and Heartlight updates her current condition, calling for us to live as God has called us.

Getting Our Worship Cart out of the Ditch

So how are we to worship?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Story this week focusing on David and Uzzah and the Ark of God.

The Swirly Cycle of Destruction

Which way does your toilet flush?

Phil Ware continues his journey through The Story focusing this week on the Judges, especially the cycle of destruction that was leading them to catastrophe and the ways we can escape the cycle.

Caught between Glory and Grumbling

How in the world did Moses lead in this mess?

Phil Ware continues his series based on The Story and focuses on Moses' leadership and his position as the go between for God in all his glory and the constantly grumbling Israelites!

Love Is Not a Brick

Who would go first among the religions in showing honor to the other?

Rubel Shelly talks about world religions, love, respect, honor, and violence.