Articles Tagged 'Ad' (Page 28)

Forced Out of My Rut

What will it tke to get you out of your rut?

God wants us to get out of our ruts and find the new things and new people he has set in our paths.

Do You Shine?

If someone were to see you, would you match with Jesus?

Christians should be recognizable because their behavior and conduct match that of Jesus.

In Honor of the Lord

What ever happened to Merry Christmas?

We have let the world take Jesus out of Christmas and just make it a secular holiday; let's remember to make sure any holiday we celebrate is to the Lord and put Jesus back into our Christmas celebrations.

Our Small Town Parade

Will it all end in a parade?

A small town parade and a funeral stir up memories of the past and hope for the future.

Complain or Lament?

So what's the big difference?

What is the difference between complaint and lament?


How can we ever get out of simply reacting to crises?

So often leaders do not do their most important work, living out God's purpose for them, because they are so busy handling problems and crises.

The Gospel According to Radio

Have you seen the Gospel demonstrated lately?

Sometimes it is helpful to just see the Gospel of Jesus demonstrated; that's what the movie Radio helps do for us.

Discernment: Don't Believe Everything You Hear

There are some real whoppers out there that way too many people actually believe.

With all that is said to us, we must practice discernment if we are ever going to really find the truth.