James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of an important reason to be baptized: not only was Jesus baptized, he also said it was the right thing to do and called on all his disciples to be baptized and baptizers.
06/19/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us that as fathers and grandfather, we will leave behind messes but we can also leave behind a legacy of faith that lasts for generations.
06/17/2020 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins invite us to worship God and celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit as we are transformed to be more like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
05/02/2020 by Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware
Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins invite us to worship God and celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit as we are transformed to be more like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
04/25/2020 by Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware
Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins invite us to worship God and celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit as we are transformed to be more like our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
04/18/2020 by Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware
Phil Ware begins the new section with a reflection on the Lord's Supper and what it can mean for us.
04/15/2020 by Phil Ware
A Bible description of Jesus' resurrection taken from a harmony of the Gospels.
04/10/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
ToGather.church worship segment for April 5, 2020, focusing on Jesus' Triumphal Entry and how we prepare people to receive Jesus into their hearts and shout "Hosanna!" in praise and welcome to him.
04/05/2020 by Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware
Phil Ware concludes his four-part series on Jesus' Passion called seed, towel, promise, and torchlight.
04/01/2020 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware continues his series on Seed, Towel, Promise, and Torchlight, focusing this week on the power of Jesus' promise in the face of his own impending death.
03/25/2020 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of God's incredible journey of redemption and how Abraham was the one who began this journey demonstrating great faith when he followed God for a destination he did not yet know.
03/06/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us that we share in The Supper, not because we are worthy of Jesus' sacrifice, but because we've been made worthy by his sacrifice!
02/09/2020 by Phil Ware
Jordan Harrell helps us understand what Jesus meant when what matters is in our hearts!
02/02/2020 by
Patrick Odum picks up a line from a Bruce Springsteen interview and helps us understand the need for being real about our struggles but also celebrating our hope in the gospel.
01/19/2020 by Patrick D. Odum
Phil Ware continues his series called Beyond Bread and Wine and focuses on the three sets of words we most long to hear.
01/12/2020 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware look at Genesis 1 and the Bible's story of Creation and remind us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
01/10/2020 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware reminds us that Mary treasured all the things about Jesus' birth in her heart and we can find our treasure with Jesus as he comes to us in the manger at Advent.
12/18/2019 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware share the meaning of Jesus' incarnation in word and video using a simple but powerful allegory.
12/15/2019 by James Nored & Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware share in video and words the wonder of Jesus’ birth and how it changed the world with the Sound of Music.
12/08/2019 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware shares the Heartlight.org team's reading plan for December to help prepare our hearts to welcome Jesus.
11/30/2019 by Phil Ware
James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of that inner part of us that still bears the stamp of God's divine nature, the part that is touched by stories of self-sacrifice.
11/24/2019 by James Nored & Phil Ware
Phil Ware with Doug Peters help us finish our study of The Lord's Prayer and focus on how it points us to the 'coolest" Father of all.
11/20/2019 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware with Grady King give us insight on Jesus' example and command to forgive others as we pray for our own forgiveness.
10/30/2019 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware, with Chad Higgins, reminds us of the power of the simple words 'Forgive us our debts' and give us a daily practice to emphasize the power of these words.
10/16/2019 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware with Andy Johnson remind us that our prayer is for the bread we need today, not the extravagance we want for ourselves.
10/09/2019 by Phil Ware