Articles Tagged 'Ad' (Page 7)


Jesus died. He was buried. He was raised from the dead. Each one of those facts reminds us that Jesus was not some antiseptic hero from a distance.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us that Jesus died and was buried and that his burial has special significance for us.

Teach Us to Pray 06: Kingdom Come

While we see glimpses of our universe's awe-inspiring beauty, variety, and magnificence, we also are witnesses of its brokenness.

Phil Ware with Chad Higgins help us understand and commit to praying for God's Kingdom to come.

Teach us to Pray 04: Abba Father

How do we combine both reverence and familiarity, respect and intimacy?

Phil Ware and Doug Peters remind us what it means to pray to God as our Abba Father and then give us some pratical ways that we can experience God as Abba in our prayer life.

Beyond Religious Places, Practices, and Rituals

We must always remember that God's love for broken people and our call to his mission must matter most.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the deadly consequences of a religion that forgets the love of God for broken people and mission Jesus has for us to the lost world.

Who Do YOU Say I Am?

At a place with great spiritual and physical significance, Jesus challenged his followers to decide about his identity.

James Nored and Phil Ware challenge us to answer the same question Jesus asked his first followers at Caesarea Philippi: 'Who do you say I am?'

Whatever Happened to the Gift of Affirmation?

What I had missed was the human element of this event in Jesus' life. The heavenly Father was affirming his Son!

Phil Ware shares insight into affirmation of God's leaders from the life of Jesus and the ministry of Paul.

Resurrection 2.7: Let the Clouds Remind You!

As followers of Jesus, the clouds hold a message of hope for us, not just a warning.

Phil Ware continues his series on Resurrection 2.0 and focuses this week on Jesus' return in the clouds which is guaranteed by his resurrection from the dead.

Our One Defining Note

Do we realize the grace of getting to tune our lives to Jesus?

Phil Ware and James Nored remind us that the core of our faith is Jesus, that Christ is our defining note around whom all of us must tune our lives and recognize the grace of being called and transformed to be like him.

Resurrection 2.2: Sometimes, I Doubt!

Do doubts mean I don’t believe?

Phil Ware continues his series on Resurrection 2.0 focusing this week on the doubts of early disciples, and our times of doubting sometimes in our world.

Resurrection 2.0: The Empty Tomb

They stood there, stunned and perplexed.

Phil Ware begins his series on Jesus' resurrection appearances called Resurrection 2.0

Cruciformed #8: The Land of In-between

That unsettling

Phil Ware finishes up his series on CRUCIFORMED and the way of the cross that Jesus shows us in the Gospel of Mark.

He Wept!

When Jesus arrived, Lazarus’s sisters were grieving and disappointed.

Tom Norvell reminds us that Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus and the grief of his two sisters.

Cruciformed #6: The Gamble

As Jesus journeyed into Jerusalem that last time, he had reached the point where he was going to gamble everything on the cross.

Phil Ware continues his series of insights on living the CRUCIFORMED life Jesus calls all disciples to live on his way to the cross.

A Family Without Borders

these ordinary people did the extraordinary: they lived Jesus’ words into reality.

Phil Ware continues his short series on Acts 1:1-11 and focuses today on sharing the message of Jesus with the world God loves.

Making It Count!

It is simply not true that your best is always good enough; there are countless people every day who could witness to that.

Patrick Odum reminds us that sometimes our best isn't good enough, it doesn't count, unless our focus is on the Lord Jesus and his work, then his resurrection ensures our work is not in vain!

Far Beyond the Monotony of Low Expectations

Advent is rooted in the work of God in history through real people to do the miraculous in the most human of things, the birth of a child.

Phil Ware reminds us to celebrate Advent and not simply settle for Christmas.

Prepare Him Room

'Prepare Him room': Inviting Jesus to reign in our hearts is how the strange beginning of the Gospel of Mark fits into the Advent season.

Phil Ware shares how Mark's gospel, which doesn't even mention the birth of Jesus, fits into the Advent season.

On Tiptoes with Angels

Christmas, like the coming of Jesus, is about waiting!

Phil Ware begins a five-part series on Jesus at Christmas. This week is focused on waiting for Jesus to come.

Treasure in the Details

Paul could not have made the importance of Phoebe's previous work in Cenchrae and her future work with the church in Rome more clear.

Phil Ware continues his series of reflections on the importance of women in the Bible, the ministry of Jesus, and the early church.

The Macedonian Connection

As we examine the value of women to the work of God in the early church, we must examine the roles women actually performed at the request or with the blessing of the apostolic leaders.

Phil Ware continues his series of reflections on the value given to women and their work in the Bible, with this week focusing on Paul's work in Macedonia.

Made to Be Complements

In the Lord, we are called to complement, complete, and bless each other so that each can be what she or he is created by God and re-created in Jesus to become!

Phil Ware continues his series on how God values women as seen in Scripture, this is part 2.

Our Weakness, God's Power

He should have left him for the buzzards. He should have sent him to hell. But he didn’t. He sent him to the lost.

Max Lucado writes to remind us of our need to surrender our anxiety, and everything else, to Jesus and let him change our name and our future.

Of Sacred Value

God didn't make one a first class person and the other a second class person based on gender.

Phil Ware begins a series of posts focusing on the sacred value of women and how we have lost the focus of Jesus.

You Are Not Your Husband's Holy Spirit

I was very comfortable right where I was.

Jordan Harrell speaks to women about something she was told by another woman teacher that revolutionized her relationship with her husband.

Love Language with Jesus?

The best way I know to start trying this love language shift is to use it with Jesus.

Phil Ware reminds us how important it is to use love language with those who are precious to us and we can begin by doing this with Jesus.