Articles Tagged 'Affirm'

Once for Him, Once for Us!

Jesus is my beloved Son. What he says not only pleases me, but it is my fullest truth.

Phil Ware reminds us that God said almost exactly the same words to his Son twice, yet he spoke the first time to affirm his Son and the second time to let us know we must listen to the Son.

Affirming Their Best and Not Giving Up in Their Stumbles

I can't help but believe that every time Peter heard a rooster crow, he also remembered the Lord's words of affirmation and assurance.

Phil Ware reminds us that Jesus affirmed Peter's value and his return to useful service BEFORE Peter's stumbling denials by the fire.

More Than What's in The Sacred Page

When Jesus was hungry, alone, and had been contemplating his mission that would end on a cross, Satan's temptations were quite enticing!

Phil Ware shares very frank and clear teaching about how Jesus resisted temptation and reminds us that simply knowing the Bible is not enough to win the war with Satan.

Valuing Women in the Story of Jesus

As in other epoch-making moments in the history of God's people, the movement of God in Jesus' story began with the valuing of women's voices.

Phil Ware focuses on Jesus, the New Testament, the Bible teaches about the value, importance, and role of women in God's unfolding plan of grace.

Once for Him, Once for Us!

'Jesus is my beloved Son. What he says not only pleases me, but it is my fullest truth.'

Phil Ware reminds us that God said almost exactly the same words to his Son twice, yet he spoke the first time to affirm his Son and the second time to let us know we must listen to the Son.

The Power of Affirmation

Luke's account of Jesus' baptism and the Father's response provides our focus for today: They remind us of how powerful loving affirmation can be! for March 22, 2020

Once for Him, Once for Us!

Jesus is my beloved Son. What he says not only pleases me, but it is my fullest truth.

Phil Ware reminds us that God said almost exactly the same words to his Son twice, yet he spoke the first time to affirm his Son and the second time to let us know we must listen to the Son.

Affirming Their Best and Not Giving Up in Their Stumbles

I can't help but believe that every time Peter heard a rooster crow, he also remembered the Lord's words of affirmation and assurance.

Phil Ware reminds us that Jesus affirmed Peter's value and his return to useful service BEFORE Peter's stumbling denials by the fire.

Whatever Happened to the Gift of Affirmation?

What I had missed was the human element of this event in Jesus' life. The heavenly Father was affirming his Son!

Phil Ware shares insight into affirmation of God's leaders from the life of Jesus and the ministry of Paul.

Unconventional Grace and the Song of Jesus

Like in other epoch-making moments in the history of God’s people, the movement of God in Jesus’ story began with the valuing of women's voices.

Phil Ware continues his series of reflections on what the Bible teaches about the value, importance, and role of women in God's unfolding plan of grace.

Too Familiar to Feel the Bite?

Because we have heard the story of Martha and Mary so many times, we often miss the radical truth Jesus established at this dinner!

Phil Ware continues his series on what the New Testament teaches about God valuing women and the key role they played in the early church of Jesus.

A Pat on the Back

When we see one of these risk-takers and God-seekers, they deserve a Pat on the Back!

Max Lucado reminds us to give risk-takers, God-seekers, and hard-workers a pat on the back.

A Forgotten, but Necessary, Grace of Jesus

Should we be surprised that so many call themselves Christians but never live for Jesus?

Phil Ware shares a passion on his heart about the way we have privatized and personalize conversion and salvation that eliminates the necessary grace of Jesus' community, family, and spiritual community.

But Who Won the Game?

Sometimes the final score doesn't count as much as the way the game is played!

Rubel Shelly writes about a basketball game between the Gainesville Tornadoes and the Vanguard Vikings and the fans who helped give the team a life.

Asking and Honoring

How could he know for sure?

Stacy Voss reminds us that John the Baptist asked a deep and important question of Jesus and Jesus answered with not only truth, but also words of honor and affirmation.

Building a Culture of Honor: Trust

Is trust really something that has to be earned?

Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor, this time focusing on trust.

Building a Culture of Honor: Affirmation

Where do we begin to change the cynicism and negativity we bring into our families, workplaces, and churches?

Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor focusing on affirmation.

Are Attaways an Extinct Species?

Have you seen or heard any attaways lately?

Phil Ware reminds us of the importance of affirmation by talking about a nearly extinct species of blessings called an attaway or attaboy or attagirl.

Do You Know You Are Loved?

Holes in our hearts and hope for heaven.

Rubel Shelly writes about a great friend and follower of Jesus, Dr. Everett Blanton.

Tested and Approved

What does it lead us to do?

Laura Baker reminds us that we are tested and approved by God.

A Dad Who Gets It

Don't you wish you could handle things as well?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of what good fathers are like and that there are great stories out there to tell about good dads.

Well Done!

Don't you just love to hear the words said to you!

Tom Norvell reminds of how beautiful it will be to hear "Well done!" from the Lord and how important it is for us to say it to each other until his coming.

Nearby Treasures

Is what you most need to hear or see actually nearby?

Kelly Breece talks about taking her daughter to see her grandmother and how she discovers a homemade book nearby that blesses them all.

Compliment Guys

Now aren't you nice!?

Patrick Odum shares about the compliment guys and how they bless people and how we can, too.

Ten Commandments of Human Relations

How are you doing living up to these commandments?

Rubel Shelly shares some insight on the golden rule applied to office relationships.