Articles Tagged 'Age' (Page 15)

Will Someone Please Help Me?

Do you know how to get where you're going?

We all need help to get where we're going. If you don't know how to get to Jesus, don't be afraid to ask someone who does.

Treasure in Toilets

What are you going to find if you dig deep enough?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we need to not give up when our life seems to be in the toilet, because as often archaeologists do, we can sometimes find the greatest treasures in the most surprising places.

Be Intentional about What Matters Most

What is really most important in your family?`

Paul Faulkner reminds us that we have to be intentional or what we view as important gets lost in the busyness of life.

Divorce in all its Realism

Is divorce the right decision?

God is able to help couples avoid divorce, if we'll just let Him do it.

How to Handle Criticism

How do you handle it when people come down on you?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that if we have big dreams or want to be used by God significantly, we will have plenty of critics, but don't let them stop you and he gives several different pieces of good advice.

When Endings Are Complicated, God Is Still Gracious

What do you do when the endings are not always happy ones?

Ron Rose reminds us that not all faith stories have happy endings and that sometimes we have to wade on through tragedy with faith.

How Long, Lord?

Can you keep hanging in there?

Tom Norvell leads us to Psalm 6 and helps us ask, "How long, Lord?" because we all have times when we can barely hang on any longer.

When Tragedy Strikes

Where is God in the middle of these tragedies?

Larry Davies shares a hard and horrible story of tragedy and asks where God is and helps walk us through Isaiah 43 and shows how it reflects the presence of God in our worst times through the people of God who help.

How Old Do You Want To Be?

So how is your retirement plan?

Russ Lawson reminds us that what we pursue for security and to help us live longer really determines the quality of our lives in our older years, and God must be the center of all of that.

Divorce and Stress in Children

How can we help our children long-term?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that divorce causes stress on our children and creates a legacy that impacts their lives, so we need to learn to love each other in words and actions.

Good News on Marriage?

Is there actually some good news out there on marriage?

Rubel Shelly reflects on the declining number of divorces per population since the 80's and talks about the importance of preparation and commitment in making a marriage work.

Take off the Fireman's Hat!

What's the big rush, anyway?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that being in such a rush in life is not the way God intended us to live and not the way Jesus lived, so we ought to slow down, spend time with the Father, and be refreshed.

Jockeying To Be Shocking

Aren't we way past too far?

Shock jocks have tried to out do each other in shocking, crude, and obscene remarks on radio, TV, and interviews and they have crossed the line and we are the only ones who can do something about it.

Seasoned with Salt

Can others tell your faith through ypur speech?

Russ Lawson reminds us that we can and should be considerate, comforting, and encouraging in the way we respond to others.

Connecting the Dots!

Can you see the outline of your life taking shape?

Ron tells about his daughter's miscarriage and how God has connected the dots to help her come to the conclusion they need to adopt a baby.

Little Acts of Love

Where are you going to begin in your quest to change the world?

We can make a world of difference simply by helping the people who are around us that need to be built up.

The Other Side of 'Tragedy'

What good thing can come out of bad things?

God can turn our worst nightmares into a way to find his blessing and be his blessing, if we can persevere and look for his presence.

Dumb Questions We Ask after a Tragedy

Why do we keep allowing people to ask these things?

Rubel is pretty fed up with the dumb questions that people ask after a tragedy and reflects on how maybe if we prayed more and prattled less these things would not be as frequent.

Longing for Friendship

Are you willing to take the risk?

We all need a friend or brother or sister with whom we can confess, share our story, and find deep and meaningful friendship.

Feeding the Monster

Are you feeding this monster?

The leader of the Girls Gone Wild empire and smut king is facing charges and problems, but the real problem is the sexual addiction that pornography causes in the lives of men and women.

Eye of the Tiger

What would it mean for us to live courageously?

God can help us live life courageously, to have the "Eye of the Tiger"

Better than Therapy

Do you have a good friend?

While some people need therapy, most folks need a good friend most of all and a good friend can do a whole lot of good at healing their hearts.

Silly Love Songs

Have you had enough?

So many songs and so much talk about love these days for married folks is silly and not very helpful or real.

Of Natural Causes

How long would you have to be gone before someone noticed?

Larry died and no one missed him and was not discovered until 18 months after his death.

Jesus, Send the Cops

What in the world has Mildred gotten herself into this time?

Mildred Budge, church lady personified, faces another set of misadventures, this time with a truck driver, a Hummer, and an ambulance at Wal-Mart.