Articles Tagged 'Aging' (Page 2)

Ready to Vanish Away

Are you ready?

Alan Smith reminds us that we are all vanishing away, our bodies grow older and we face challenges, but understanding this and what it means to us is dependent upon our relationship with Christ.

How Old Do You Want To Be?

So how is your retirement plan?

Russ Lawson reminds us that what we pursue for security and to help us live longer really determines the quality of our lives in our older years, and God must be the center of all of that.


What season do you find yourself in today?

The seasons, in life and in nature, are reminders of God's power to bring life and warmth out of death and decay.

The Leadership Issue

Why being boss won't solve your problems!

Leadership is not about being boss or bullying, but about motivating, serving, and equipping others to their full potential.

The Days They Pass So Quickly Now

How fast is your life?

Change, and the days pass quickly and we grow old and time flies by, so we better use them to our advantage and God's glory.

Changing as We Grow Older

What things change for the better as we grow older?

Change for the better only happens if our goal is Jesus and our power to change is the Holy Spirit?

Free to Be Authentic

Are you truly free?

When we don't have to impress folks, we are free to live authentically.

Sharing Burdens

Do you know them enough to help?

So often we don't know each well enough to even know the burdens we all carry, but we must step in and help by listening more carefully to those around us.

Reflecting on the Years

What have you learned and done based on what happened last year?

As we age and the years speed by, we need to take some time and examine what we have done with our lives.

Holy Impatience!

Is your sense of urgency on the rise or on the wane?

God doesn't want us to grow complacent or satisfied with the way things are simply because we are growing older.

Life in Three Centuries

How many centuries will you live to see?

Remembering a great lady of faith who lived for 106 years.

An Old Timer in His Service

Are you getting a little too old for this?

We must live for God's purpose and also seek to be useful.

Life Changes

Can you stop the tides?

Life is constantly changing and we can't stop it, but we can determine how we will react to it.

When I Was Your Age

What can you do now that you won't be able to do in 30 years?

Young and old both have things that they alone can do and both must be respected.

Time Passes

You're not getting older, you're getting closer!

Time is swiftly passing, but rather than trying to deny it, we should welcome and celebrate it because it brings us closer to our salvation.

My Old Watch

Is there still time?

We must use all the time we have and not waste it because we can make a difference in the time we are given.

September Song

Can we draw closer in the latter years of our life?

We don't have to grow dim as we age, we can grow closer to God!

Leap of Faith

Leaving home or just taking a new journey?

Her grandmother leaves home and leaves all her stuff behind and begins a new journey of faith.

Chaos and Peace

We can't forget the one while we experience the other!

Life is filled with its share of both good things and bad things, so we mustn't get so caught up in one that we forget the other!