Articles Tagged 'All' (Page 10)

Bureaucratic Encumbrance

What happens when process becomes more important than mission?

Rubel Shelly uses General Motors before reorganization and the New York Times article to help remind us that we can be full of so many processes, procedures, rules, and traditions that we lose the main objective -- if everything is important, then nothing

A Small Step?

When's the last time you stepped out to begin, even if the step was small?

Tom Norvell reminds us not to discount the small steps we make in our lives because out of them come the big ones!

Back to Basics

Isn't it about time to get rid of the fluff and get back to the basics?

Rubel Shelly uses the recent world series and a few Casey Stengel stories about the early days of the Mets to remind us that the we need to get back to the basics of what we do as believers: love God and love each other.

Even in Mayberry

Could anything be better than living in Mayberry?

Steve Higginbotham talks about four murders that occurred in the town that furnished the backdrop for Andy of Mayberry and reminds us that we live in a fallen world and need to keep our eyes on our heavenly home.

Calling Home

Your Father is waiting to hear from you!

Russ Lawson talks about talking with his kids and grandchildren on the phone and how precious it is to him and how God longs to hear from us in much the same way.

A Dad Who Gets It

Don't you wish you could handle things as well?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of what good fathers are like and that there are great stories out there to tell about good dads.

Beyond the Slogans

How can we say these things and really mean them?

Phil Ware writes about Romans 8:22-29, the bondage to decay that our world faces, our own troubles and hardships, and slogans that we often use and abuse to try to encourage people who are grieving, wounded, or hurt.

Spend it Well

Where will you spend your life?

Rubel Shelly talks about seeing life as small increments of cash that we can only spend a little at a time.

It's About Time

How do you approach things?

Sarah Stirman speaks about common struggles women face and talks about the perspective from which they approach their decisions about these everyday matters.

Beyond Circumstances: Attitude Makes the Difference

What can you really control about your day?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of several things we cannot change, especially in overwhelming times, but one we can change is our attitude.

Glue Lines and a Pink Lamp

How do you put a shattered life back together?

Phil Ware talks about a broken horse figurine and a shattered pink lamp and how God not only forgives, but also purifies us.

Family Unique: GPS

How is your family going to navigate the road ahead?

Rick Brown reminds us that we need to have a plan to negotiate the road that lies ahead for us and for our family and it is called the Genealogical Planning Strategy.

Don't Abandon Optimism

What's there to feel good about?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that there is something positive about thinking with an optimistic spirit and believing things can get done and be better.

Why Leaders Don't Make Excuses

What, it's my fault?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the heart of leadership is not making excuses and helping others get the credit when things go right.

Just Part of the Job

A brain injury and a call for the maintenance man?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the real challenge is to be resourceful and take our meager resources and big challenges and put them in the hands of the Living God.

People over Machines

Don't you just love getting caught in a caller option system?

Rubel Shelly talks about the nightmare of getting caught in a voice mail and caller processing system and says he prefers people over machines.

Undo Send: What a Great Idea!

Don't you wish you could take back some things you've said?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of our need to restrain our urge to speak too quickly and compares that to a new gmail feature called undo send

Only a Keystroke Away

Are our emails, IM's, and text messages really enough?

Russ Lawson talks about the the blessings of our high tech communication, cyberspace-style communication, and challenges us to face-to-face encouragement.

Last Thoughts or Long Commitments?

Would Timothy make it, and if he did, would he be faithful?

Phil Ware uses Timothy's release from prison to be an opportunity to look at how we are to live in a culture opposed to Christianity.

Maybe It Isn't Dead Yet

When is losing not such a big deal?

Rubel Shelly describes a rare but beautiful story of sportsmanship that helps us prepare for March madness.

Remembering Valentine's Day

Do little gifts of remembrance actually mean a lot?

Steve Brumfield writes about the way he celebrated Valentine's Day with his wife Sue.

Considering Valentine's Day

So what's really the deal with Valentine's Day?

Sarah Stirman talks about Valentine's Day and what it means to be really in love and to share love.

Better than the Super Bowl

Why would you cheer against your own team?

Rubel Shelly describes a better football game than the Super Bowl with the Arizona Cardinals and the Pittsburgh Steelers, and this was between two high school teams, Grapevine Faith Christian and Gainesville State.

Air Traffic Controller

How will we make it through?

Tom Norvell talks about an air traffic controller landing a plane and how his dad was a blessing.

Who Cares?

What do you do when kids don't respond to your good efforts?

Hal Runkel talks about putting up a basketball goal with his son and how his son responds inappropriately and how a dad responds properly.