Articles Tagged 'Amen'

What is Core: Communing

When we gather in Jesus' name, something transcendent happens: the Lord is present with us!

Phil Ware talks about what is core to our faith and then ties it to everyday meals as well as our celebration of the Lord's Supper and the things of first importance in 1 Corinthians 15:1-7.

What is Core: Communing

When we gather in Jesus' name, something transcendent happens: the Lord is present with us!

Phil Ware talks about what is core to our faith and then ties it to everyday meals as well as our celebration of the Lord's Supper and the things of first importance in 1 Corinthians 15:1-7.

Communion: Passion, Pain, and Promise

Communion was intended to be an I-can't-believe-it's-me-pinch-me-I'm-dreaming invitation to sit at God's table and be served by the King himself.

Max Lucado tells about sharing communion as a boy and what it means to us now -- more than symbol, it's sacrament, a holy time of anticipation.

What is Core: Communing

When we gather in Jesus' name, something transcendent happens: the Lord is present with us!

Phil Ware talks about what is core to our faith and then ties it to everyday meals as well as our celebration of the Lord's Supper and the things of first importance in 1 Corinthians 15:1-7.

ToGather: I Will Celebrate! (June 21, 2020)

David danced with all his might amid the reverence and honor given to God as the ark, the representation of God's power and presence, returned to his people.

Phil Ware and Demetrius Collins lead us into worship in song and the Word to experience, proclaim and rejoice in the majesty, goodness, and grace of our God who is powerful and present among us.

This Is Our Story, Too! (SOR 4.0)

The more most of us examine our past, the more we realize that our family tree is full of interesting stories that have shaped our identity.

James Nored shares about God's story through Abraham and David to Jesus and Phil Ware helps us understand the meaning of the story through the genealogy of Jesus.

Resurrection 2.1: In the Breaking of the Bread

What if this song speaks the truth about Jesus' promise to meet us in our world today?

Phil Ware continues his series on Resurrection 2.0 and the vital importance of Jesus' resurrection for our life as his disciples today.

Examen: Thinking through my Years

How can we move forward and not just repeat the same old things?

Jackie Halstead shares with us the process of Examen as she reviews 2013 and looks ahead to 2014 and dedicates her life to God.

Silence at Christmas to Listen

If we listen, it is not so silent a night at Christmas!

Rick Brown writes about LSTN headphones, hearing, Starkey hearing foundation, 400 years of silence after the Old Testament, years, silence, quiet, need, hear, hearing, listening, listen, Immanuel.

Be Sure to Read the Whole Book!

So why mess with the Old Testament anyway?

Rubel Shelly shares insight on the whole Bible and our need to read the whole Bible, not just the New Testament.

Play Like You're Loved

Are you trying to earn it?

Rubel Shelley takes a look at coach Scott Nagy of South Dakota State and sees a great slogan: play like you are loved.

What is Core: Communion

When we gather in Jesus' name, something transcendent happens: He is there with us!

Phil Ware talks about what is core to our faith and then ties it to everyday meals as well as our celebration of the Lord's Supper.

God's Surprising Grace

Can you believe we find this all over the Old Testament?

Danny Sims reminds us that grace is all over the Old Testament.

The Failure of List-keeping

Why do we trade our Lord in for our lists?

Bill Denton reminds us that the Gospel of Jesus isn't centered in a list of do's and don't's but in a Savior, Jesus Christ, who was crucified and raised to bring us God's grace.

Last Will and Testament

What did you get in the will?

Alan Smith tells the story of a wild will and how Jesus' last will and testament is far different and far better!

A Tradition Like No Other

Do we have a Master's tradition?

Tom compares the Masters, a golf tournament that is a tradition like no other and suggests that we can follow Jesus as our Master, and use the love commands to be our tradition like no other and this will revolutionize our lives.

The X-odus Files: Wanderers or Warriors

So how do you impact culture?

God wants us to leave behind our wanderer and slave mentality and take on the attitude of a spiritual warrior: it's time to leave our terminal mentality.

Complain or Lament?

So what's the big difference?

What is the difference between complaint and lament?