Articles Tagged 'Art' (Page 5)

God Surrounds Us!

Will I be hard like a stone or open like a sponge to the ever-nearness of God?

Max Lucado reminds us to be open to God even when things are bad and times are tough and we want to harden ourselves against him.

A Circle of Love: Too!

When Jesus' family loves each other, even in our worst moments, we can find ourselves being carried!

Phil Ware takes us back to an old article from twenty years ago about a circle of love and a family that was sustained through tragedy and loss because of the love of friends.

Simple Words, Great Grace

Where would this woman be without a risk-taking faith that moved her to bold action?

Phil Ware reminds us that faith always involves action that demonstrates its reality and Jesus saves in more than the miraculous; he saves us in every way a person can be saved.

How Big Is Our Aquarium?

Why do we have to be the big fish in our small puddle?

Phil Ware looks through The Jesus Window and is led to ask a question of all of us: just how big is our aquarium, just how big is our Jesus?

A Spiritual MRI

Can I let go of my regrets, guilt, and shame?

Max Lucado reminds us that we can ask God to both examine us and cleanse us; such is the grace of grace!

Heaven's Window

Doesn't discipleship involve more than just saying the right words?

Phil Ware shares his second post in his four article series on Peter's confession, focusing this time on our tendency to reduce faith to words and not actions and discipleship.

God's Message to Jesus... and You!

What does God long to say to you?

Phil Ware reminds us of the importance of baptism to Jesus as a new beginning and how that should be important to us.

Lifestyle: Connecting Others with Jesus

How we view people impacts our lifestyle

Phil Ware finishes his series on "The Andrew Effect" about connecting people with Jesus by reminding us how Jesus viewed people.

Connecting Those We Know with Jesus

O God, make our hearts ache for them to know Jesus!

Phil Ware continues his series on "The Andrew Effect" by focusing on connecting those we know with Jesus.

Don't Bury Your Treasure!

Here's the best financial planning possible

So instead of burying your money in the ground, you should be storing up treasure in heaven. How do you do that? Do good. Be rich in good deeds. Be generous. And be willing to share.

Welcoming the Dawn of a New Year

What will you do about a New Year?

The beginning of the New Year brings challenges and the potential for fear and reluctance, but with God we can welcome it and use it for his glory.

Hidden Treasures

Where can you find history's greatest treasures?

Phil Ware reflects on Mary treasuring the memories of Jesus' birth in her heart and finds reason not to sweat the small stuff, not miss the moments of grace in Christmas, and not lose the opportunity to lock away treasures in our own hearts this time of y

We Thank God for You!

We want to tell you how thankful we are for you with words that are greater than our ability to express!,, all want to say thank you in the words of Scripture for your prayers, love, support, and encouragement.


In the middle of our grief, loss, and brokenness, we must remember that we are not alone in our brokenness.

Phli Ware reminds us that God shares our pain in our worst moments of grief and loss, God is heartbroken with us.

Think You Are a 'Hopeless Case'?

The Father is looking to use you, no matter how unlikely it seems possible!

Rubel Shelley reminds us that God does his best work through the most unlikely of people.

Willing to Die on This Mountain

What are the mountains you would die on for what you believe and what you are called to do?

Phil Ware talks about finding our theological and missional mountains and how important it is to know them if you are going to call a minister with whom to partner.

Almost Destroyed by the Actions of Another

Can you come back from near total destruction?

Stacy Voss shares the parallel between a house burned by a nearby car and the destruction in her life because of infidelity and divorce.

Ready for Anything That Comes

Here is someone whose faith has stood the test of time and continues to display that faith in the face of great challenges.

Phillip Morrison reminds us of the decency, faith, and goodness of two former presidents, Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford.

A Forgotten, but Necessary, Grace of Jesus

Should we be surprised that so many call themselves Christians but never live for Jesus?

Phil Ware shares a passion on his heart about the way we have privatized and personalize conversion and salvation that eliminates the necessary grace of Jesus' community, family, and spiritual community.

'What Sort of Man Is This?'

Who in the world is this man?

Phil Ware continues his series called 'Saved at Sea' with his fourth message on life's most important question, 'What sort of man is this?'

The God Who Loves a Party

God loves parties!

When people come together to enjoy God's blessings and celebrate God's goodness, God not only approves; he comes to be a part.

Art by Faith

How can someone who is blind still paint beautifully?

Tammy Ruggles is a legally blind artist, photographer, and writer who paints by faith and not by sight and uses her gifts to bless and inspire.

The Real Root of Brokenness

We must not dare forget to give thanks for how we're blessed and how great the Father is!

Ann Voskamp reminds us again of the incredible importance of giving thanks.

There Are No Adequate Words

There are not enough words to thank you for sharing in this grace!

Phil Ware talks about reaching the 1,000 sponsored child mark with and and what a great mark this is to break.

'...and thankful!'

What happens the other 51 weeks of the year?

Phil Ware begins a 4 part November series on giving thanks just in time for the Thanksgiving season.