Articles Tagged 'Art' (Page 8)

Let Christmas Deny the World?

Christmas deny the world?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the world can deny us of many things, especially love and joy and peace and so let's use Christmas as our opportunity to deny the world it's hold on our heart.

Good News for Our Broken World

What hope is left when life is shattered?

Brian McCuthchen reminds us of the place of hope, refuge, and help when our world is broken.

Roads Without Potholes

Why would we ever want potholes in the road?

Rubel Shelly writes about potholes, discouragement, disappointments, pain, grief, wounds that occur in our lives and how they are part of the fabric of life and necessary to develop our character.

Down the Hill, Waiting for the Return

How can you compare these two things?

Phil Ware continues his series on the mission trip to Sagrada Familia, The Community in Lima, Peru, and ties it in this article or post to Jesus' ascension.

My Father

Why is it so important that God be called Father?

Phil Ware continues his series on the Prodigal Son called the Journey Home about the God we all need to be our Father.

Wasted Time!

Haven't we all wasted enough time piddling around when there is a party going on?

Phil Ware continues his series on the prodigal son called The Journey Home, and he focuses on the older brother and God's desire to throw him a party.

A Tribute to a Coach and Friend

Why turn down more money?

Rubel Shelly talks about friend and coach Garth Pleasant of Rochester College and his great coaching career and his training and raising up of young men.

The Path from Brokenness to Peace

Can I really be the same person in each place?

Ron Rose talks about the temptation to compartmentalize life and live by different standards in different roles and walks in life instead of living with integrity for God.

Window to the Heart of God!

How do we ever understand what the cross cost God?

Phil Ware continues his series on Mary and her being a window to the heart of God.

Riding Out Life's Tsunamis

Do we have the courage to face the waves head on?

Rubel Shelly shares insight into one survivor of the tsunami and how his courage has opened the door for the people of his island to survive.


You're not getting any younger!

Our world is messed up, and that's nothing new. Ever since the Fall, things have been in a state of imperfection.


What is so great about the number 15?

Phil Ware introduces the Heartlight 15 year anniversary month and hints at things to come.

The Face of Jesus

What does Jesus look like?

Brian McCutchen reminds us that the first real glimpse of Jesus most people see is our own face.

Each Has a Name

Let's begin somewhere, doing something, and not just talk about it!

Phil Ware talks about our broken world, spring, the tsunami and earthquakes in Japan, and the Lord's prayer.


Is this outside your EEZ?

Phil Ware completes the shift series with the theme of going fearlessly, and focuses on sharing our hope and following the Great Commission.

Something Fresh

Don't you want more than something new?

Katha Winther shares insights on the New Year, fresh starts, and God's work of salvation in us!

Glory Awaits

In this season of memories, what should we hold on to most tightly?

Phil Ware reflects on the death of his grandfather, Daddy Gordon, and remembers his father's passing away, and is reminded of the floods in life that can't sweep away our hope.

Has Thanksgiving Been Co-opted?

We should give thanks?

Ron Rose reminds us about the importance of Thanksgiving.

The Conversation that Changes Lives

What can melt our hearts and let God find us?

Ron Rose talks about being open with God about what is on our heart in hopes He moves us to change.

In the Good Hands of God

He can do far more than our worry can ever do!

Bill Sherrill talks about bad news about his heart and he begins to worry until he remembers what Jesus said!

Does God Play Bingo?

What is your letter?

Ron Rose compares God's call in our life to Bingo, and whether or not we will answer when our number is called.

The Heart of Successful Leadership

Where can we find this kind of people today?

Rubel Shelly challenges us to go beyond the facade and charisma of many supposed leaders today and demand more.

New Year - New Options

Are you tuned up to face the New Year?

Rubel Shelly gives us some practical advice and a challenge to face the New Year with expectation and also reminds us to take one day at a time.

A Quarter of Remembrance

More than the decorations and gifts, this quarter makes Christmas special!

Mike Cope shares a beautiful story about a family tradition of dropping a quarter into the stockings of everyone in the family at Christmas, this includes a video update.

A Small Step?

When's the last time you stepped out to begin, even if the step was small?

Tom Norvell reminds us not to discount the small steps we make in our lives because out of them come the big ones!