Articles Tagged 'Away'

Houses for Healing!

This example of bringing together a coalition of people, organizations, churches, and businesses to bless others in the name of Jesus is a powerful example of what Kingdom life could be!

Phil Ware shares the work of Houses for Healing (H4H) in Abilene, Texas, which serves people of that region of Texas with a place to stay while they (or their family with them) are receiving medical care in Abilene.

To Your Advantage?

It was in the middle of one of these nitty-gritty down-to-earth conversations between Jesus and His disciples that He fleshed out the secret.

Melissa Troyer reminds us of Jesus' strange promise of going away being better for His disciples than staying with them.

Run Away Like Jonah Days

Perhaps the biggest gift of

Melissa Troyer is having one of those days where you want to run away and hide and yet has a young child that demands attention, driving Melissa back into the strength of God!

Too Familiar to Feel the Bite?

Because we have heard the story of Martha and Mary so many times, we often miss the radical truth Jesus established at this dinner!

Phil Ware continues his series on what the New Testament teaches about God valuing women and the key role they played in the early church of Jesus.

I'm Not Called to That?

Called. Sometimes, I think we use that word as an excuse to not do scary things.

Jordan Harrell reminds us that there are some things we are all called to do because that is what Jesus wants from us.

More than Meets the Eye

Exhausted, bone-weary, and insufficient to meet the task at hand? Ah, you may just be in the place where Jesus can use you most powerfully!

Phil Ware looks into Jesus feeding the five thousand and reminds us that he longs to do amazing things through us, too!

Longing for Home

As we share this bread and drink this cup, let's be reminded of our home on the horizon and the joy we will share when we arrive!

Phil Ware talks about longing for home and the food of home and challenges us to see Communion as our taste of home while we are away.

Simple Words, Great Grace

Where would this woman be without a risk-taking faith that moved her to bold action?

Phil Ware reminds us that faith always involves action that demonstrates its reality and Jesus saves in more than the miraculous; he saves us in every way a person can be saved.

The Hardest Lesson Learned

Why is it so hard to learn this simple lesson on which so much of life hangs?

Phil Ware continues his series on the prodigal son called the Journey home and he looks at the hardest lesson learned, that it is better to be a servant in our Father's house than to be on our own and alone.

All Undone

Can the Lord help put me back together so I can keeping serving those I server for Him?

Michele Howe shares with us a poignant story of a woman caregiver and the loss of a client, or patient, and friend, and how it wipes her out and discourages her until she finds a way to bless this friend and her family and goes to the Father in prayer.

Getting Clear about Holiness

It's a whole lot more than a list of don'ts!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that holiness is not just what we avoid, but what we do to bless and redeem.


We spend time with God and find out that we are loved!

Tammy Marcelain reminds us that we are able to realize that we are God's beloved when we take time to open ourselves to Him and be still and experience that God is with us and speaks to us in whispers.

We Need Rest

Don't you sense this need?

Tom Norvell reminds us of our need for rest and to rest in Jesus, in God, and in the Spirit.

Come Away With Me

How depleted are you?

Phil Ware writes on withdrawal and rest with the Savior and our need for his grace and mercy and blessing and power and support and prayer and strength.

Each Has a Name

Let's begin somewhere, doing something, and not just talk about it!

Phil Ware talks about our broken world, spring, the tsunami and earthquakes in Japan, and the Lord's prayer.

Are Attaways an Extinct Species?

Have you seen or heard any attaways lately?

Phil Ware reminds us of the importance of affirmation by talking about a nearly extinct species of blessings called an attaway or attaboy or attagirl.

The Awful Shame of Shame

When guilt is right and why shame can be destructive!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that feeling guilty isn't necessarily bad, but shame can be destructive and lead to denial or living a self-fulfilling prophecy about our badness.

Lost and Found

Isn't it a blessing when you find what's been lost?!

Phil Ware tells about a time he lost his son Zachary and then found him and the joy of finding lost sheep in the teaching of Jesus.


Are you willing to get rid of the stuff in your life that is just in the way?

Patrick Odum challenges us to get rid of the clutter in our lives and our churches just like Jesus challenged the people of his day.

A Time to Rest

Can you rest and put your hope in God?

We all need time for real, genuine, rest.

Rest from Your Labor!

Shouldn't you take a little rest at least once per week?

We work hard and that is good, but we also need to rest faithfully and easily and enjoy the rest God has called us to keep.

What's Your Price?

What are you willing to trade in for this prize?

Selling a bike for $5 (five dollars) is a bad deal, but not nearly as bad as giving away our soul for something valueless.

A Piece of My Heart

What happens when we give it all away?

We give our heart away a little at a time to our children and grandchildren and when it is gone we go to Jesus.

Flashing Lights in the Park

Is there hope for these kids?

A description of the Dry Bones minsistry and a hard night a kid died.


Some things you just need to run from!

God's word is clear: stay away from sexual immorality.