Paul Faulkner reminds us to greet each day as a gift of something fresh, new, and something that has never happened before or will again.
06/27/2023 by Paul Faulkner
Phil Ware begins a four series set of articles for Advent and this first one is called BEFORE and focuses on Jesus being God, pre-existent before the world began.
12/06/2016 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware shares a passion on his heart about the way we have privatized and personalize conversion and salvation that eliminates the necessary grace of Jesus' community, family, and spiritual community.
08/24/2015 by Phil Ware
I don't want a God who stays behind while I go first. I don't want a God who waits until I'm in trouble and then comes to my rescue. I want a God that goes ahead of me. I want a God that I can follow, one who will lead me the way I should go.
09/24/2014 by Tim Archer