Articles Tagged 'Bible' (Page 2)

Rules for Building a Snowman?

So there are actually rules for this?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the keys to following Jesus by pulling our leg about a bunch of rules for building a snowman.

What's Missing from the North American Church?

Why is it so hard for us to get this one key point?

Scot McKnight shares some things on his heart about Scripture, the Bible, and how we have misplaced it as the Church and forgotten to listen to God speak through His Word.

Be Sure to Read the Whole Book!

So why mess with the Old Testament anyway?

Rubel Shelly shares insight on the whole Bible and our need to read the whole Bible, not just the New Testament.

Beyond the sacred Page

How can Jesus be real to me and not just someone I read about on the pages of the Bible?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Yearning, our need and desire and longing for Jesus to be real to us and close to us and experienceable in our daily lives.

Hearing God's Voice

Have you heard The Voice?

Hearing God's voice is challenging but it grows easier the more it's done. It begins by reading His word, studying scripture, knowing what the Great God Almighty requires of His followers. Then listen for His voice. It will come!

Superman and Jesus?

Is there a link between our desire for Superman and our need for Jesus?

Rubel Shelly comments and describes the difference between Superman and Jesus.

A No! Church (And how to Avoid Becoming One)

Want to make sure nobody bothers you by coming back?

Mark Frost continues a series on Becoming a Yes! Church being done by Interim Ministry Partners Phil Ware, Mark Frost, Greg Anderson, and Tim Woodroof

Is Cleanliness really next to Godliness?

But isn't it OK if I think God said it... even if he didn't?

It is dangerous to assume God said something that he did not say. Even worse to think he said something different than what he really said.


Are you paying attention?

When it comes to finding your way through this world, no GPS can help you. No map program will get you there. You need directions from someone who really knows the way. The book of Psalms says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" (Ps

The Story: Rebuild and Restore

How can you tell how we are doing with our spirituality?

Phil Ware takes us back to The Story, God's story and our story and reminds us that while rebuilding infrastructure for a city and country is hard, it is even harder to rebuild the morale, moral, and faith foundation.

But these Rules Don't Apply to Me

What do you do with the people who treat rules as if they are only suggestsions?

God created us and knows how we function best. Why do we think we know better?

Putting Words into God's Mouth

Did God really say that?

Just as people misquote celebrities, many misquote God or try to make him say things he never said. We need to study the Bible to know what God really said

No App for That

Is there REALLY an app for that?

Nothing replaces reading God's Word.

Get Your Head Out of the Clouds!

Move beyond resolutions to Kingdom living!

Phil Ware begins the New Year with an article or post about the book of Acts and the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to take broken people and use them powerfully to change the world.


Do we really want the message of God homogenized and filtered by someone else?

To know what God says we must, like the young woman in Tanzania, read the Bible. We must become people of the Book, again.

I Don't Understand the Bible

How is it possible to understand the Bible?

It is possible to understand the message of God in the Bible. It is Jesus.

The Good Books

You don't have to have an e-reader to hold a library in your hands

The bestselling book of all time, the Bible is actually a library of books, covering the gamut of human experiences and human emotions.

The Face of Jesus

What does Jesus look like?

Brian McCutchen reminds us that the first real glimpse of Jesus most people see is our own face.

What Everybody Should Know

Common knowledge isn't always right

There are common beliefs that are completely wrong, like the idea that the Great Wall of China is the only manmade object visible from space. The Bible contains nothing but truth.

SH!FT: READ_faithfully

Isn't it time you put this back into your daily life?

Phil Ware continues his shift series, focusing on our need to read Scripture because it is from God and useful to our living and beneficial and able to make us wise and leads us to salvation.

Face of God?

How do we recognize God when He shows up in our world?

Phil Ware takes an incident of love and laughter with his foster grandson and learns a powerful insight into God, who chose to let us see his face and hear his voice in Jesus.

When a Book Isn’t Enough

God so loved the world that He didn't just send a book

God reveals Himself through relationships, through people. His Word was meant to be read in community.

A Small Man, a Big Day

Who would have thought he would be out on a limb?

Patrick Odum does a fictional biography styled account of Zacchaeus and Jesus and the special moment in the tree.

Do We Believe It?

Our actions reveal our beliefs

If we don’t tell others about Jesus, if our actions contradict our professed ideals, if we claim concern about people’s souls for eternity, but make no significant effort to share with them our Savior -- then we must not believe God or we don’t care.

But I Don't Need the Instructions...

What do we think an owner's manual is for anyway?

God has given us the owner's manual for life. The Bible is the answer to how to make life work.