Articles Tagged 'Black'

Merry Christmas!

We pray the Lord blesses you with the grace of Jesus' presence this Christmas!

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What Is Our Blindspot?

Since it's a blind spot, no matter how hard you try you can't see what you should be seeing.

Jordan Reese shares a poignant piece of writing by her dad as she thinks through our blindspots and calls us to seek first Jesus' Kingdom and that righteousness, not our own biases.

Living Beyond the Formula

Jesus > You + X (all your dos) + Y (all your dont's)!

Jordan Harrell helps us understand what Jesus meant when what matters is in our hearts!

Messenger to Humankind

Is there any message we can take from our dark night of the human soul?

Phil Ware adds some beginning thoughts and Phillip Morrison writes beautifully about a messenger to mankind and The Messenger to humankind.

Black Lives Matter

So what does this mean for all of us!

Rubel Shelly writes about the current epidemic of racism that has shown up in recent days and has been confronted with the Black Lives Matter campaign.

One of Us

Sometimes what we need most is a friend!

Phillip Morrison writes to remind us that the Ferguson tragedy is not new, but a repeated wound or scar, and we need trusted friends to help address the issue, and the same is true with our lives and Jesus our friend.

Mud Dauber Determination

Saving spiders for their kids to eat?

Cathy Messecar uses the image of a mother mud dauber to give us some insight into a mother's role about paralyzing the evil influences in our children's lives.

Easter Clothes

What kind of clothes did Jesus wear that first Easter Sunday.

Rick Brown reminds us what is important about the clothes we wear on Easter and that Jesus appeared to Mary as a gardener.


Black Friday a part of Thanksgiving, really?

Patrick Odum takes a risk and invites us to not be so pig-headed about how bad Black Friday or even shopping on Thanksgiving might be, but decide for ourselves and let others do the same as long as we do it giving thanks to God!

50 Years

Some things echo through time and their sounds never really leave your ears.

Phillip Morrison, with a few words of introduction by Phil Ware, reflects on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the events that include Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby and the time that all of America became a church.

By the Grace of God

Two preachers putting in sweat equity like Jesus?

Phillip Morrison shares an experience building a Habitat for Humanity house with an African American Methodist preacher and him a Church of Christ preacher.

The Swirly Cycle of Destruction

Which way does your toilet flush?

Phil Ware continues his journey through The Story focusing this week on the Judges, especially the cycle of destruction that was leading them to catastrophe and the ways we can escape the cycle.

Beauty in Black and White

Can you see the beauty here?

Pat Mingarelli shares more of his great photography, this time focusing on black and white images and reminding us that sometimes God meets us in the most stark of places.

Don't Forget to Wish for the Best

When was the last time you sat down with the

Rick Brown finds a Black Friday experience that pushes him back to the real meaning of Christmas and the old Sears Wish Book.

Skin Color Shouldn't Matter

Why is this such a big deal to us?

Phil Ware continues to share the values of his dad with his children and wants them to know that prejudice and racial hatred is not acceptable or tolerabe.

In the Wake of the Storm

What did you do when the lights went out?

The storm comes through and all the lights go out and the electricity doesn't work.