Articles Tagged 'But'

What Is Our Blindspot?

Since it's a blind spot, no matter how hard you try you can't see what you should be seeing.

Jordan Reese shares a poignant piece of writing by her dad as she thinks through our blindspots and calls us to seek first Jesus' Kingdom and that righteousness, not our own biases.

The Lord is Near: Doubts

How do we hang onto God's promises when they seem too good to be true?

Phil Ware shares his third in a series of 6 messages on the promise that the LORD is near; this time focusing on our doubts.


We need each other just like a band needs a tuba... and a flute... and a drum beat!

Max Lucado reminds us of our need to be part of a band to make beautiful music no matter what part we play.

The Missing Link

What's lacking when see all this failure in positions of leadership?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the real missing link in so many great athletes, politicians, and business leaders is integrity and character.

Building a Culture of Honor: Prayer

Prayer changes something much more important than our circumstances!

Phil Ware continues his series on building a culture of honor focusing this week on prayer, especially prayer as a redemptive tool of offering forgiveness and blessing to those who are our enemies and who mistreat us.


What do we do in the face of evil and meanness?

Phil Ware continues his series of messages related to "The Story" curriculum, using Abraham's call to be a blessing to be a reminder to us as well.


What is so great about the number 15?

Phil Ware introduces the Heartlight 15 year anniversary month and hints at things to come.

Market Place Moments: Appreciation

What's the difference between flattery and genuine praise?

Michele Howe reminds us again about women in the marketplace and the very needed virtue of affirming and giving appreciation to those who need it and deserve it.

Multi-talented Mommy Ears

Does he really care about all this mess?

When bad things happen, we need to realize that God does see and care and will remember.

No Two Are Alike

No matter how different, each is important to the family!

Every child is different and important and special and we need to learn to appreciate each one for their uniqueness.

Giving Back to God What Is His

Are we just renters of the blessings we have?

Using something for free almost every weekend of the year for a parking lot reminds a church that they don't own what they use; we need to learn that same thing as God's children.

Broken by Sin?

What do we do with sinners?

We must be tough on sin but offer mercy and forgiveness for those who are truly repentant.

No Good Deed Left Unpunished

Why can't we see the good in kindness?

Unwillingness to receive a gift is sad: mean-ness, unkindness, and rejection are even worse, whether the gift is cookies or a cross.

Don't You Just Love It?

Will justice ever be served?

We enjoy seeing justice happen on earth because it happens so infrequently here.

Getting Even

What happens when you try to

When we try to get even for a past slight, it will nearly always come back to haunt us!

Tribute to a Fallen Hero

Some people won't take the easy way!

Story of Pat Tillman losing his life and living life in his own unique way.

Revenge or Kindness

Is revenge really so satisfying?

Is it better to live with the philosophy of eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth or to practice forgiveness and kindness?

The Only One Pulling

Ever feel like you're the only one trying?

Don't give up, you're not the only trying and even if you are, what you do matters to God.