Articles Tagged 'Change' (Page 4)

Someone Named Her 'Unwanted'

How do you ever overcome the name?

Rubel Shelly writes about the name Nakusa in India and how it means unwanted and asks how to you overcome a bad name.

And Faith Survives

How has the church been able to endure and weather all of its storms?

Rubel Shelly writes an article parallel to his book and emphasizes that somehow Jesus and his teaching survive all the weird things churches and church movements do.

Oprah and a Big Orange Pot

What's a woman to do with a big orange pot?

Teresa Bell Kindred talks about the graduation of her twins, Oprah retiring and a big orange pot to cook roast in.

A Tribute to a Coach and Friend

Why turn down more money?

Rubel Shelly talks about friend and coach Garth Pleasant of Rochester College and his great coaching career and his training and raising up of young men.

God Even Uses Cowards

Even a coward is a mighty warrior in God's hands

The story of Gideon shows us that God can take imperfect people and use them in great ways.

Sometimes Some Things Don't Change

What do you do when you don't know what to do?

Tom Norvell reminds us that there are many things in our lives that may not change, so in those times we need to be sure and lean on the Lord and trust in his grace to sustain us.

The 'No' That Is 'Yes'

When does no actually mean yes?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that a life turn around begins with a no that is actually the first step in saying yes to life, and that no is repentance.

The Conversation that Changes Lives

What can melt our hearts and let God find us?

Ron Rose talks about being open with God about what is on our heart in hopes He moves us to change.

Renewal and Spring

A powerful image of renewal!

Pasquale Mingarelli shares pictures and a Bible study to help us remember that spring is the time for renewal

Life Is Never the Same

How do find stability in a life that is always changing?

Life is constantly changing. It is essential to have something unchanging to hold on to.

Traveling Mercies: Broken Dreams?

Are those old broken dreams really gone?

Phil Ware continues a series of messages called Traveling Mercies focusing on Moses and his journey from broken dreams to having those dreams realized in his life.

A Small Step?

When's the last time you stepped out to begin, even if the step was small?

Tom Norvell reminds us not to discount the small steps we make in our lives because out of them come the big ones!

Drafting Your Thanksgiving Fantasy Team

This is a team we can all be thankful for!

Ron Rose reminds us that Thanksgiving is about those who have blessed us and our being a blessing back by letting them know and thanking them.

All About the Layers

Where do you find God doing His best work?

Ron Rose talks about layers in photography and layers in our lives, and emphasizes that the layers are where God's transformation takes place.

Don't Abandon Optimism

What's there to feel good about?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that there is something positive about thinking with an optimistic spirit and believing things can get done and be better.

Little Acts of Love

Now what can I really do and does it really matter?

Marsha Jordan reminds us that we may not have the skill set or talents we would choose for ourselves, but we can still change the world through small acts of love.

A Churchy Word

So what does repentance mean, anyway?

Repentance is more than feeling sorry about sin. It's a change, a change of mind that brings about a change in life.

The Ally of God's Grace

When's the last time you heard a call for real life change?

Bill Denton reminds us that we are not only saved from something but for something, and we need to display that salvation through repentance and life that is changed into what God made us to be.

Wake-Up Call

Are we awake or have we chosen to fall asleep?

Russ Lawson talks about events that shocked us and awakened us from our lethargy, but reminds us that we often just sink back into our old habits.

Sell Your Soul?

I didn't know there was anything you couldn't sell on eBay?

Teresa Bell Kindred talks about selling our soul and eBay and what we are doing with our own soul.

Growing to Your Space

Are you allowing life to shape you into it's mold?

Rubel Shelly reminds us to not settle for cramped spaces, especially cramped spaces in our minds!

Face the Mirror and Face the Music

You mean he means me?

Patrick Odum confronts us with the words of John the baptist about repentance and how we need to face ourselves honestly in the mirror.

Stressed Out

So how are you going to avoid it happening to you?

Patrick Odum learns that Chicago is the most stressful city in America and shares some insight on stress.

Big Reversal

So who is Jesus to you?

Phil Ware talks about Paul's big reversal from seeing Jesus as a blasphemer to seeing him as everything.

Hard Times Good for You?

Can they really be a blessing?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of how hard times can actually shape us for the better and help us see our role in making the world a better place.