Articles Tagged 'Character' (Page 3)

Getting Out of Trouble

How in the world are you going to get out of this mess?

Paul Faulkner reminds us that temptation is something that gets worse when we give into it, especially lying, and yet God promises to help us find a way out of the mess.

Cutting Corners

Most important things require us to hang in and hang touch to get to our destination!

So often we look for short cuts or ways to cut corners to get to a goal that can only be reached by hard work, perserverance, and a willingness to keep on working over time.

Life Outside of Football

Is there anything beyond sports, work, and pain?

Tony Dungy reminded us that character wins and that character involves more than just sports.

More Than a Façade

Will your character collapse under pressure?

Are we anything more than a facade, or does our character run deep and can it be seen in the world of quiet and inner places in our lives.

Straight Lines with Crooked Sticks

How in the world can you make something straight out of something crooked?

God can take broken, weak, and unfaithful people and make something meaningful and important out of their lives.

Beyond the Tummy Tuck

Now how much do you REALLY like it?

We like a person with kindness much more than a person who has had a bunch of cosmetic surgery or plastic surgery.

Walk Your Talk

Will you put your life where your mouth is?

Practice what you preach, walk your talk, and live the life you profess.

Worship and the Ballpark?

Can we really take worship with us outside our religious boxes?

Worship has to be part of our everyday real life world where we work, play, do sports, have recreation, and watch our kids play.

The Inner Self

What are you doing for the inside?

We are so caught up in looking good and yet do so little to focus on what really makes us beautiful and fit!

Developing Trust

Where do you think you'll find real trust?

Trial, temptation, trouble, and testing are in the same neighborhood with trust: we're not going to get the one we want without experiencing the ones we dont!

The Sounds of Letting Go

What happens when the school bus arrives in your neighborhood?

Each year the start of school reminds us that our children are a little closer to moving out and away from us.

What Is That Supposed to Be?

What in the world is that, anyway?

Sometimes we're like modern art: the artist has in mind what he wants, but no one else can tell what or who we are supposed to be.

Learning from the Wizard

What can you learn about life from the Wizard?

Learn life lessons from John Wooden about character, not just about basketball.

Sailors and Maps

Do we really know where we're headed?

There is a huge difference between rules and relationships!

Passing Records

Someone really will turn down their name in the record book?

Human records are only passing memories soon to be forgotten.

Do The Right Thing?

Does peer pressure have you doing the wrong thing?

Don't let peer pressure make you do what is wrong; just do the right thing.

Who Influences Whom?

So who really made Bill Clinton President?

Who has the greatest influence, you on the world or the world on you?