Articles Tagged 'Children' (Page 6)

Divorce and Children

Is it really that big a deal?

Divorce hurts kids and wounds adults and we must prevent it.

A Lion in the Kitchen

What would you do to find this beast in your kitchen?

The Devil is a lion and we let him into our kitchens, our homes, by treating temptation as a little kitten rather than a roaring lion wanting to devour us.

The Best Gifts

Are you still trying to buy love at Christmas?

Priceless memories that you make with those you love are far more valuable and enduring gifts than anything you can purchase with money.

Two Hours a Week

How much time are you willing to invest in the life of a child?

Mentoring kids offers a great chance for Christians to honor the call of Jesus to care for orphans.

Wiggling All Over

What in the world are you talking about wiggling and squirming?

Russ finds out about a grandbaby because of a sonogram and the baby is wiggling around all over the place and reminds us that life begins in the mind of God.

The Gift of Praise

Ruby and diamond rings are half as important as the praise they bring!

A Christmas present of a ruby and diamond ring that is adjustable is a present that evokes praise just like the way God has blessed us should pour forth our praise!

Upside-Down Blessings

How in the world can something good come out of something so rotten?

How God turned a couple of horrible, traumatic experiences in the Ware family into something really good!

Horrifying Halloween

What could make Halloween any more horrifying than it already is?

An awful Halloween ten years ago reminds us how important it is to value children for who they are!

They're Always Watching You!

So how in the world did they learn to do that kind of thing?

A child buys a car online because he has learned to imitate the actions of his mother on a computer and this is a powerful reminder that our kids are always watching us

Hear the Echo?

What will people hear from you?

We create echoes by our life, so what kind of echo will you hear from the people around you?

Whatever the Need

Are you ready to trust Jesus with your need?

God longs to help supply us with our need, just as he did with the apostles trying to feed the 5000.

Hear My Prayer

How do we know that our children and our grandchildren are secure?

We can cry out to God and know he hears us and that our children and our grandchildren's futures are in his hands.

Confessions of a Blackberry Picker

Have you see the evidence of his beauty in your world?

A trip to the beach and other vacation sites helps lead Patrick Odum to ask what he is not recognizing in his daily life where God's fingerprints and footprints can be found.

The Power of Memory

Do you really remember when you eat at this table?

Memory and remembering are powerful and communion has got to be a part of that remembering for Christians.

The Days They Pass So Quickly Now

How fast is your life?

Change, and the days pass quickly and we grow old and time flies by, so we better use them to our advantage and God's glory.

Scream Free Parenting

Can you truly parent without the loud volumes and the moments of being out of control?

Parenting can be done scream free, but not because we focus on our children, but because we focus on ourselves.

How Is Your Faith Resume?

What does your life story say about you?

Our lives tell a story of faith, we need to know what our faith resume actually is.`

Babysitters for God

How do you view your responsibility to raise your kids in the Lord?

parenting is really babysitting for God: they are not ours, they are his.

Respecting Mom

Have you given her the respect and appreciation she deserves?

Moms are crucial to the outcome of nations because of the way they rear their child.

The Ministry of Motherhood

What greater need when it is lacking and what greater blessing when present?

Faith is not heriditary, it is learned and nurtured, often my loving momthers who take motherhood seriously.

What the Kids Pick Up

What are your kids hearing in the background and from you?

Kids hear all sorts of things in the background of the world via the radio and tv, how are we helping them process this?

How Great the Father's Love!

Does any of the Father's love splash over and touch the people in your family?

Overhearing a questioning about loving children enough gets Sarah thinking about the need for meaningful touch, focused listening, and hanging around together.

Storm Peace

Can you rest securely when the storm winds blow?

We can pray for our families and our children to help be prepared for the difficult times come.

A Piece of My Heart

What happens when we give it all away?

We give our heart away a little at a time to our children and grandchildren and when it is gone we go to Jesus.

Love on Paper

What legacy are you leaving with the gifts you give this time of year?

While gifts are fine, we need to be leaving behind a legacy of love notes for our spouse and children and grand children.