Articles Tagged 'Christ' (Page 12)

A Child Will Lead Them

What in the world does this mean?

Phil Ware redoes an older article focused on Jesus being the child that leads us.

What Do You Say?

It's not Thanksgiving, but not yet Christmas

In the midst of the Christmas frenzy time, we need to remember the reason for the season. Thank God for Jesus

Beyond Fixing Bicycles

Have you stopped lately to share the journey with another?

Russ Lawson reminds us to share the journey with others whether they are rejoicing or crying, we can help in many ways, sometimes by just being with them.

Line in the Sand: Baptize!

What is your line in the sand in your faith walk with Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his series called Last Words, First Priority and emphasizes the line in the sand moment we call baptism.

One Measure

What have you done with all those gifts?

Phil Ware continues his just one series and focuses on using our spiritual gift and the principles involved.


What are you connected to the most?

We are connected to our iPhones, iPads, iTouch, iTunes, iMac, iChat, but have we lost the connection to the I AM?

Fit Fat

Christians sometimes practice false advertising.

You cannot be healthy without effort. It is the same with Christianity.

What We See At Church

What are you looking at?

Many problems arise when we spend our time looking at church people rather than the One the church belongs to.

Would Someone Please Help?

You've been there, haven't you, where you needed help and wondered if anyone was there?

Phil Ware talks about using our summers to do God's work.


What's so special about Sunday, everything!

Phil Ware shares insights on Sunday, the Resurrection Day of the Lord and why the disciples miss it and why we often do as well.


The word

In the end, the church is the group of people that belong to God. Other meanings may cloud our understanding, but we need to see that that's what the church is.

GIVE Generously?

So what's the grace and privilege we are supposed to find here?

Phil Ware continues his SHIFT series and focuses upon giving generously as a privilege and grace.

I Love You

What is the greatest Valentine you have ever received?

Quotations from Scripture about God's love for us in Jesus.

Winter Wonderland

Is it too late to keep them from stealing away your wonder?

Rick Brown writes about a rare snowfall in Houston and how the wonder of it all, then the reality and boredom of it all, parallel the sense of wonder we have with Jesus.

Communion and Christmas

What does all of this mean ... to you and me ... today?

Danny Sims shares insights into what God is saying in Jesus using the Communion we share at Christmas.

Christmas Tranquility?

The scene looks calm and bright, but what if my life doesn't?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Christmas is about God getting involved in our messy world with us.

Dancing for Immanuel

Too small to see, but too great to miss!

Phil Ware begins a short series called When Spirit Becomes Flesh focusing on the birth of Jesus, the incarnation of God among his creatures, and the wonders of Christmas.

SBNR: Spiritual But Not Religious

Can you really be this in the real world?

Rubel Shelly tackles the myth that you can be spiritual without being a part of a religious community, at least as a Christian.

Has Thanksgiving Been Co-opted?

We should give thanks?

Ron Rose reminds us about the importance of Thanksgiving.

The Memory Tree

What are your favorite memories of Thanksgiving and Christmas?

Holidays are a time for remembering family events and remembering what God did for us by sending His Son.

Are You a Member?

Member of a body or member of a club?

Being a member of the body of Christ means forming part of a living organism. It's not like being a member of a club or member of an insurance plan.

SpiritFire - Unity of the Spirit?

Why is unity such a big deal?

Phil Ware continues his series on SpiritFire and challenges us to look at the importance of the unity of the Spirit.

Christians Behaving Badly

So how should they have reacted?

Rubel Shelly talks about Christopher Hitchens' illness and the way Christians react to it and the defense of our faith.

The House That Fear Built

Some people will do anything to avoid dying

The fear of death drives people to act irrationally. There is, however, a way to be set free from that fear.

The Pale Galilean

Does the Christian life have to be boring?

Though Swinburne's characterization of Jesus as the pale Galilean is famous, it's also very wrong. Jesus brought a colorful, joy-filled life to this world.