Articles Tagged 'Christ' (Page 15)

Overlooked Treasure

There's treasure for the taking

People can live for years needing the very thing that God has to offer, yet they overlook the treasure that He offers.

Christians, Moslems, and Jews

Jesus is the only way to God, or he is nothing.

Jesus claims to be the one true way to God. There is no other.

Becoming a Citizen

What's the easiest way to become a citizen?

The only way to become a citizen in God's kingdom is to be born a second time, born of water and God's Holy Spirit.


Where did you get those eyes?

Russ Lawson shares some things from his granddaughter that helps us understand that we are God's children.


Do I really have to go to church?

Phil Ware challenges us to think about how we view church and asks how we can make it a gathering of people committed to the Kingdom of God.

No Honor Among Friends....

In his own house a prophet is without honor.

"Only in his home town, among his relatives and in his own house is a prophet without honor." Mark 6:4

No Room for Death?

Is there room beyond the cemetery plot for you?

Patrick Odum compares the lack of vacancy in a French cemetery and a law forbidding people to die to the hope we have in the resurrection of Jesus.

Agony to Maturity

What should we expect of our leaders to help us reach maturity?

Phil Ware addresses the issue of church leadership, hypocrisy, and consumerism by pointing leaders to Paul's example in Colossians of pointing people to Jesus, praying for their maturity, and trusting in Him to supply the power as Paul worked strenuously

The Golden Rule

What if the Golden Rule was enforced?

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets” (Mathew 7:12). This phrase of Jesus spoken during the Sermon on the Mount is referred to as the Golden Rule. I am curious how the world would

Remember Grace

As much as I like to think my memory is strong and full of detail, there is so much that has slipped away.

I wish I was better at documenting my life. As much as I like to think my memory is strong and full of detail, there is so much that has slipped away. There are many solutions to this problem; some people are journal writers and have years of memorable

Last Hour

Are you ready?

Patrick Odum challenges all of us to live as if it is our last hour on earth.

Stepping Out

Sometimes we have to go beyond what we can see and touch

The only way to find God is to step out in faith. If we limit ourselves to what we our senses can perceive, we will always fall short of finding Him.

Snow Days

Can you hear the sound of muffled noise?

Lisa Mikitarian shares some beautiful insights on the beauty of a heavy snow and how Jesus comes to us and offers to do the same -- bring peace to our hectic and harried worlds.

Even if It Means a Cross

Do we really want the Cross to define us?

We want a Christianity without the Cross, a Savior without a Lord, and a Tinkerbelle Jesus, reprinted.

Come As You Are

One story that shows God’s desire to empower us is when Jesus took five small loaves of bread and two fish to feed a large crowd.

This is what constantly amazes me about the efficiency with which God is able to solve our problems. It's not that I have any doubt concerning his power to create solutions; it's just amazing that he completes His plans using us! God is a master at solv


Have you found the source of peace for every season?

Tom Norvell describes Jesus as the only source of peace in any season.

It's Still Christmas

Don't let go of Christmas!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Christmas can open our eyes to faith and what the world willfully does not want to see.

Away in a Manger

I wonder why that little nativity baby never seems to grow up

We have to remember that the cute little baby in the nativity scene grew up to die on a cross. As Christians, we need the power of the risen Lord who is much more than a tiny baby.

With Us!

Where did God most clearly reveal Himself?

Bill Denton shares insight into the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ and what it means for us.

I'm Just a Businessman

How would it feel to say know to Jesus?

Larry Davies puts us in the place of the inn keeper who had no room in his inn for Joseph and Mary.

Are We Missing Something?

Doesn't feel as if something is lacking in all the mess?

Tom Norvell talks about a pre-Christmas trip to the place of insanity, the mall, and questions if they are missing something in the season.

A Jesus Sign?

How are your neighbors going to know?

Patrick Odum tells about a gaudy, JESUS Christmas sign in the yard that tells everyone that the owners of the home believe Jesus is the reason for the season.

Is This On Your List?

Why put something like this on your Christmas list?

Larry Davies reminds of our need to repent and get our hearts and behavior right if we are going to prepare the way for Jesus at Christmas.

The Inflatable Christmas

Wow, can you blow up your Christmas season?

Tom Norvell compares the inflatable Christmas yard decorations to the inflatable Christians and religious people that Jesus criticized.

Give Thee or Give Me

What's in it for God?

Bill Sherrill reminds us that the spirit of the Christmas season is giving, not receiving and that we need to be a people with a spirit of thanksgiving.