Articles Tagged 'Christ' (Page 17)

Who Needs a Stress Test?

Where is your heart?

We need to take care of our hearts, both physically and spiritually

I Have Seen the Price of Freedom

How have I seen the price of freedom?

Remembering the blood shed for our freedom, we must remember Jesus Christ.

Birthday Flowers

Who do we celebrate?

Just as birthdays should be about moms, so our very lives should be about the One who gave us life

With Gentleness and Respect

How do we change the anti-Christian perspective of our culture?

Phil Ware talks about the need to live the life of Jesus before the world or our witness doesn't mean anything at best and creates hostility at worst to Christianity.

But I Have to Cheat ... I'm Not Good Enough

Why do people cheat in academics, in their financial dealings, and even in their relationships?

We can never be good enough on our own; it takes God's help to make us what we should be.

Confessions of a Perfectionist

None of us can be perfect on our own. Only Jesus and His power can make us perfect.

None of us can be perfect on our own. Only Jesus and His power can make us perfect.

Even if It Means a Cross

Do we really only want the Cross to define us?

We want a Christianity without the Cross, a Savior without a Lord, and a Tinkerbelle Jesus.


Why in the world would anyone keep this around in their basement?

The old Gallows of the city of Chicago were left in the basement for years and years and this reminds Patrick of things that we allow to sit around in our hearts and fester and destroy us for years.

On Tiptoe!

I wonder what it was like when the angel learned he would bring the news?

Whether Christmas comes on December 25 or not doesn't really matter, what does matter is that Jesus came and the angels declared it and that we celebrate it with great joy.

What Is It You See in Christmas?

Why do we fuss and fight over such a wonderful time?

Christmas has unfortunately gotten so caught up in conflict that we lose sight of loving folks the way Jesus came to do.

The Place of Christmas

Where does Christmas really occur?

The real place Christmas happens is in our hearts, where love, joy, peace, and kindness are found.

The Greatest Gift to Give

What could be greater than the gift you've already bought them?

The best gift that can be given is the gift of dedicated time to a family member.

Amazing Grace

Have you found out what is truly amazing this time of year?

Jesus is the reminder of God's unconditional love and willingness to search and sacrifice to find us and bring us home as our love-sick father.

More than the Wrapping Paper for Christmas

Can we move beyond the fluff to the focus of God's heart?

We get so caught up in the fluff we forget the focus of God, like justice and mercy.

Buy Your Own Gifts!

Anything in your Christmas envelope?

An older lady's mistake with Christmas envelopes reminds us that God never forgets to pay for our gifts!

A Free-for-All Christmas?

What goodness can be found in such awful things?

Family fights, shopping mall stampedes, world unrest and wars all will continue through the Christmas season, but we should not be surprised: Jesus came to save our fractured world.

The Astonishing Christ

Everything about Jesus is astonishing!

Even Napoleon Bonaparte was awed by the astonishing Jesus who came to earth as a baby.

The Best Gifts

Are you still trying to buy love at Christmas?

Priceless memories that you make with those you love are far more valuable and enduring gifts than anything you can purchase with money.

'Tis the Season

So what are you going to focus on this season?

Rubel reminds us that Christmas is the season for many things depending on who we are. So let's use this season to be a blessing and not to stir trouble and let's do it responsibly and with grace.

How Do You Grasp this Mystery?

Jesus longs to be born again into our world in me?

Jesus wasn't just born into our world in the womb of Mary, but he longs to be born into our world again in each individual Christian the Holy Spirit gives birth to in the world.

Winter Has Fallen

Can you find heaven's grace in this changing of seasons?

A surprising winter snow gives Phil the opportunity to think about the changes of seasons and the falling of grace on us all with the birth of Jesus.


What, or who, do you smell like?

We are to carry the distinctive fragrance of Jesus with us anywhere we go.

I Will Bear Much Fruit

How productive are you going to be in your walk with the Lord?

We must remain connected to Jesus if we are going to bear fruit in the Lord.

More than Change

Surely you want to do something a little deeper than just another coat of pain?

External changes won't cut it, we need real spiritual transformation which comes from the Spirit of God.

Walk Your Talk

Will you put your life where your mouth is?

Practice what you preach, walk your talk, and live the life you profess.