Cathy Messecar describes how her son went to camp and didn't want to be there but wanted to come home and she makes a connection with the story of the prodigal son in Jesus' parable in Luke 15.
07/11/2014 by Cathy Messecar
Just like we rejoice over finding lost money, God rejoices when lost people are found.
07/09/2014 by Steve Ridgell
Rick Brown writes about the prodigal son parable and reminds us that there are two sons who are lost and need to come home to the heart of the father and join the party he longs to throw for both of them!
07/12/2013 by Rick Brown
Patrick Odum writes about a lost class ring and compares it to Jesus' parable about the lost coin and reminds us that the joy of someone coming to Christ should thrill us, too.
03/30/2010 by Patrick D. Odum
Tom Norvell shares modern day stories of the prodigal son as he talks about a son, daughter, husband, and a wife who left and came home.
05/17/2007 by Tom Norvell
If we don't bring back sinners whose sin has humiliated themselves, and if we we don't reach out to those who have been humiliated by others, then how can we claim we wear the name of Jesus?
10/20/2003 by Phil Ware