David W.T. Brattston reminds us of the kind of lives we need to live in preparation for the Lord's Coming.
09/30/2018 by David W. T. Brattston
Phil Ware continues our focus on the Lord's Supper called Beyond Bread and Wine: this week our focus is on Jesus' return in glory!
03/18/2017 by Phil Ware
We don’t have to change the entire service on account of those who might visit. But we should be aware of their anxieties and uncertainties, going out of our way to make them feel more at ease.
01/24/2017 by Tim Archer
Phillip Morrison reminds us that waiting and Christmas and Advent involve waiting and the wait is worth the effort when the desire of our hearts comes and fills us with his love.
12/10/2016 by Phillip Morrison
So while the world around us tilts ever closer to self-destruction, and the choices being made offer harsh contradictions of almost horrible conclusions, our focus must be on God and His Son.
11/23/2016 by Bill Brant
Phil Ware concludes his 10 part series on "Saved at Sea" dealing with sea stories in the Bible and how God has always saved his people, this time focusing on the ultimate saved at sea story, Revelation 21:1-5
11/02/2015 by Phil Ware
Rubel Shelly reminds us that wild predictions about Jesus' return on specific dates often are used by sceptics to discredit Christianity.
10/23/2015 by Rubel Shelly
You may be rich or powerful or beautiful or famous or extremely talented. But when you come to God, you take all that off. You humble yourself and say to him, “Have mercy on me, a sinner.”
05/06/2015 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware continues his series on experiencing God through Jesus, Immanuel, this time focusing upon our need for spiritual community, family, fellowship.
02/17/2014 by Phil Ware
Lisa Mikitarian reminds us that life with the Lord really is an adventure because when we love him and are called according to his purposes then he works in our life through adventure to bless us and bring him glory.
08/16/2013 by Lisa Mikitarian
Phil Ware continues his series on Out of the Box and focusing on the big Four primal fears that Jesus helps us address and he reminds us that salvation involves a from, for, and to component and shouldn't be simply elevator theology.
07/29/2013 by Phil Ware
We know that Jesus will come again. We have to get ready.
03/13/2013 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware shares about his son coming for Thanksgiving and it reminds him how much God must anticipate his children coming home to him.
11/20/2012 by Phil Ware
Like the Israelites of old, we too can find ourselves ripped from our homes, forced to go places we don't want and become slaves to our emotions and desires. BUT we can go "home" anytime we choose restoration with our Father.
01/04/2012 by Bill Brant
Phil Ware goes over a number of inaccuracies that have crept in to our telling of the story of Jesus at Christmas, but reminds us that the main thing is that Jesus came for everyone and the more we know the story, the more we know it is true.
12/18/2011 by Phil Ware
Phil Ware looks at the birth of Jesus and asks the very simple question: why did God reveal the birth of his Son to shepherds first?
12/04/2011 by Phil Ware
Many try to predict when Jesus will come back. The Bible says His coming will be a surprise. The main thing we need to do is be ready to greet Him, whenever that may be.
05/18/2011 by Tim Archer
As Christians, we have hope because of what we are waiting, or more importantly, whom we are waiting for.
09/23/2009 by Tim Archer
Phil Ware continues his 7 sayings of Jesus on the Cross with the meaning of the line today of "you will be with me in paradise" and talks about the hope it brings in the face of death.
07/14/2008 by Phil Ware
Patrick Odum challenges all of us to live as if it is our last hour on earth.
01/22/2008 by Patrick D. Odum
Alan Smith reminds us that as tempting as it might be to be a bear, we have something much better in our future for us!
11/03/2007 by Alan Smith
Tammy Marcelain shares about her return home to God and how it was a walk with Jesus that did it.
06/21/2007 by Tammy Marcelain
Tom Norvell remembers the words of the father to the older brother in the parable of the Prodigal son that everything the father has is his, it belongs to him.
06/03/2007 by Tom Norvell
The leader of the Girls Gone Wild empire and smut king is facing charges and problems, but the real problem is the sexual addiction that pornography causes in the lives of men and women.
04/24/2007 by Bill Keller
Byron talks about the differences between men and women in marriage and compares them with bananas and avocados.
02/01/2007 by Byron Ware