Articles Tagged 'Compartmentalize'

Merry Christmas!

We pray the Lord blesses you with the grace of Jesus' presence this Christmas!

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Daily Altar of Grace

God isn't going to accept anything we offer him — our hearts, our Sunday worship, our offerings, our praise, our hopes, our private prayers, our dreams — if we knowingly remain at odds with a brother or sister in Christ.

Phil Ware takes the two love commands of Jesus, the Greatest Commands, and applies them to all of life for a follower of the Lord.

The Path from Brokenness to Peace

Can I really be the same person in each place?

Ron Rose talks about the temptation to compartmentalize life and live by different standards in different roles and walks in life instead of living with integrity for God.

The Jesus Vibe: Daily Altar of Grace

Can't I just keep a little of my life protected from this?

Phil Ware takes the two love commands of Jesus, the Greatest Commands, and applies them to all of life for a follower of the Lord.