Articles Tagged 'Compassion' (Page 4)

Life Among the Outcasts

Where does your church meet?

Rubel Shelly talks about a book he read recently, "Sanctuary of Outcasts", and challenges us to make the church such a place.

How to Put One Foot in Front of the Other

Walking together means we give with thanks so no one walks alone.

Ann Voskamp talks about eucharisteo and Compassion International and Haiti and child protection and question marks and learning to live with thanksgiving.

Beyond the sacred Page

How can Jesus be real to me and not just someone I read about on the pages of the Bible?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Yearning, our need and desire and longing for Jesus to be real to us and close to us and experienceable in our daily lives.

God Is never Late

It was in the midst of poverty that I learned God is never late,

An article reminding us that God is never late.

The Gift of Sympathizing Mercy

Mercy turns in active compassion.

Brian McCutchen reminds us that mercy is active compassion that makes a difference in people's lives and not just a fleeting feeling about bad news.

A Passion for Children

I've developed in my heart a strong passion for children, especially those children who live in poverty.

Paul Styrvoky details his experiences of sponsoring a child through Compassion International.

Some Things just Matter More!

A touching reminder of why we do some very simple, but important things!

Phil Ware shares a recent heart-gripping moment they had with their compassion child from Uganda and what it all means as he remembers a trip from 5 years ago with Compassion Bloggers.

Good Samaritan Not Appreciated

Why would anyone not be thankful for getting back $1200?

Rubel Shelly tells the story of a man finding $1200 and not being thanked when he returned it and he talks about the principle of being a good Samaritan.


Sometimes it take the unbelievable to shake up a believer.

The story of reuniting with my sponsored child.

What is Core: Worshiping

Why do we put so much emphasis on worship in the box and not in our everyday lives?

Phil Ware finishes his series on What is Core by talking about worship and the importance of meeting together in big and small groups, but also living out the life God has called us to lead, being a reflection of the righteous character and gracious compa

Compassion in Colombia

Colombia is associated with violence, kidnappings and drugs but is also a place of hope for over 55,000 children.

A closer look at the work of Compassion International in Colombia.

What Is Core: Love

Becoming like God in His most known virtue!

Phil Ware continues his series on what is core and focuses on love and what it is and how Jesus and God demonstrate it.

Learn to Be a Good Neighbor and Change Your Community!

What does it mean to be a good neighbor?

Rick Brown writes about a group of ministers and pastors in Denver who got together to try to bless their community by calling their people to be good neighbors.

Getting Clear about Holiness

It's a whole lot more than a list of don'ts!

Rubel Shelly reminds us that holiness is not just what we avoid, but what we do to bless and redeem.

What Are We Known For?

So how's your reputation as a Christian?

Ron Rose reminds us that we can be someone who argues or someone who is known for loving others.

One Song

We can't do it for everyone, but we can for at least our one!

Phil Ware finishes his Just One series by calling us to help others find their one song.

Just One: One Note

How can help when I overwhelmed with the need?

Phil Ware introduces many of us to the principle of doing for one what you wish you could do for everyone and how it helps us know whom to help with so many needs around us!

Each Has a Name

Let's begin somewhere, doing something, and not just talk about it!

Phil Ware talks about our broken world, spring, the tsunami and earthquakes in Japan, and the Lord's prayer.

GIVE Generously?

So what's the grace and privilege we are supposed to find here?

Phil Ware continues his SHIFT series and focuses upon giving generously as a privilege and grace.

More Than Mere Words

How do we make our faith more than mere talk?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that religion has to do something and not just talk about a lot of things -- it must walk the talk, practice what you preach, and put your life where your mouth is.

Relationships Are Worth the Effort

Excellence in every area of life means relationships, too!

Rubel Shelly calls us to excellence, but reminds us that this must be true in every area of life, including our relationships.

SH!FT my Life: LIVE_holy

What is my life really about?

Phil Ware continues his series on Shift My Life and talks about what it means to live holy!

From Surviving to Thriving

My life has been forever changed — and thankfully, so has Edison's.

The Child Survival Program from Compassion International is making great strides for mothers and babies in Ecuador.

Compassionate People

Compassion employees are actually compassionate people, too.

I never imagined to be so deeply moved by another group of people: the employees of Compassion.

It's a Small World After All

The Story of a sponsor meeting his child through Compassion International.

The Story of witnessing Lee Raney meeting his sponsored child through Compassion International.