Articles Tagged 'Compliment'

Merry Christmas!

We pray the Lord blesses you with the grace of Jesus' presence this Christmas!

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The Who's Who that Really Matters

So how do I get my name in this book?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that God's book of Who's Who is only filled with those who are servants.

Made to be Complements

Filling in each other's missing pieces!

Phil Ware continues his series on looking at how the Bible values a woman, this week focusing on what it means to be complements.

The Highest Compliment

Why would he do such a thing?

Phil Ware describes several passages of Scripture that use the image of a mother bird or a woman in labor to express their love for new Christians, and then says this is the highest compliment a mom can receive.

Compliment Guys

Now aren't you nice!?

Patrick Odum shares about the compliment guys and how they bless people and how we can, too.

The Who's Who that Really Matters

So how do I get my name in this book?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that God's book of Who's Who is only filled with those who are servants.

Market Place Moments: Appreciation

What's the difference between flattery and genuine praise?

Michele Howe reminds us again about women in the marketplace and the very needed virtue of affirming and giving appreciation to those who need it and deserve it.

Planting Seeds for the Future

Are you planting any seeds for tomorrow?

Ron Rose reminds us that we need to be investing in the future by helping others see the potential that God has for them.

Filling the Vacuum

What are you putting in the empty places of their lives?

We've got to fill our kids with good things and not just tell them what not to do, because if we don't fill them with God's stuff, someone is going to fill them with satan's stuff.

Something to Talk About

What do you talk about most frequently?

We can always find something to complain about, but let's be people who compliment and affirm!