Articles Tagged 'Con'

Prayer and Mission

So if they didn't and couldn't, how dare we?

Mark Frost continues the series on discovering your mission before finding your minister with the Interim Ministry Partners team and he focuses on prayer.

It's All About People!

Through the years and all the changes, one thing remains true about the heart of God.

Phillip Morrison reminds us in the shadow of Independence Day about the many inconsistencies when principles are first applied, yet he also urges us to be patient and gracious and open to the needs of all people.

What is CORE: Baptizing

God has given us a way to experience the saving work Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection.

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by talking about baptism and why it is important.

The Misunderstanding

Without understanding the cross, we turn Christianity into another human contest about self-importance.

Phil Ware shares his third post on The Question, Peter's confession of Jesus and how he had to be broken before he could really understand what his confession meant.

Heaven's Window

Doesn't discipleship involve more than just saying the right words?

Phil Ware shares his second post in his four article series on Peter's confession, focusing this time on our tendency to reduce faith to words and not actions and discipleship.

Connecting People of Other Cultures with Jesus

Are we willing to take the risk and reach outside our comfort zones to connect people with Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his series on 'The Andrew Effect' and connecting people with Jesus, this time focusing on including people of other cultures, races, and languages.

Connecting Those Who Want to Help Others with Jesus

In a world of so much hurt and so much need, are we going to remain paralyzed to help because of a lack of faith?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Andrew Effect focusing this week on bringing those who want to help others in need to Jesus and connecting them and their resources to the Lord.

Connecting Those We Know with Jesus

O, God, our hearts ache for them to know Jesus, please help us know how!

Phil Ware continues his series on 'The Andrew Effect' by focusing on connecting those we know with Jesus.

Connecting with Jesus Personally

Can I really know Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Andrew Effect focused on connecting others with Jesus as our life's mission.

A Charcoal Fire & the Smell of Redemption

Why make someone relive his or her sin, why not just ignore it?

Phil Ware continues his Saved at Sea series focusing on Peter's denials, his promises, his arrogance, his failure, and his restoration.

The Blessing of Raising Teens?

Parenting teens is one of the best, hardest, most growing things I've ever done.

Melissa Troyer is back living in her crazy world with grace and reminding us that raising teenagers can be embraced as a grace from God despite being hard if it calls us to look at our brokenness and weak place.

Finding Our Path to God

The Bible and the early church were both exclusive and inclusive about salvation and fellowship.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of both the exclusive claim of Jesus as the only way to God and the inclusive fellowship of welcoming all people who truly believe in him.

What is CORE: Baptizing

God has given us a way to experience the saving work Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection.

Phil Ware continues his series on "What is CORE" by talking about baptism and why it is important.

I Doubt It: Jesus Is Risen from the Dead

Jesus is risen, and we believe because the first disciples had their doubts!

Phil Ware continues his series called 'I Doubt It' and focuses this week on Jesus having risen from death to never die again.

I Doubt It: Real Food

Can we really find genuine nourishment and satisfaction in Jesus?

Phil Ware continues his series on doubt focusing on Jesus' statement that doing the Father's will was the basis of finding fullness in life.

We Were Made for This!

There are a million little moments that really matter, and you DO have what it takes to give.

Melissa Troyer shares her heart about the strength, faith, and love that it takes to get through hard things and hard times together.

In the Power of the Spirit

We can't help it: we live where we look!

Phil Ware continues his series on the Holy Spirit focusing on Jesus and our need for Jesus to be the transforming presence in our lives.

Three Fires

Jesus doesn't abandon us in our fire failure.

Phil Ware reminds of three fires in the life of the apostle Peter and what they can mean for us.

It All Hinges on This

How can we know if our lives make a difference and truly matter?

Phil Ware helps us to better understand both Mark's message about where true life is found and also his outline and organization of his gospel around the hinges to the story provided by the stories of two blind men that Jesus heals.

Real Peace

Do you know peace in your life?

Do you know peace in your life? Or, do you find your days filled with conflict? Are you often belligerent and contentious with those around you? Find real peace in Jesus.

Resurrection 2.3: Unless...!

If Jesus was truly raised from the dead, then this new reality would call for Thomas to radically re-orient his life

Phil Ware continues his series on Resurrection 2.0 and focuses this week on Thomas.

Seed, Towel, Promise, & Torchlight: The Promise

Jesus gave his promise to speak comfort and hope into this place of deep longing in their hearts

Phil Ware continues his series on Seed, Towel, Promise, and Torchlight, focusing this week on the power of Jesus' promise in the face of his own impending death.

Unless a Seed

Jesus had many opportunities to walk away from the shame and pain of the cross, but he chose the Father's will and our need over his comfort.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us of the dark night that began the long, painful, and lonely journey of Jesus through his Passion to bring us to God.

ToGather: Aligning Our Interior and Exterior Worlds (October 16, 2022)

David concludes Psalm 19 with a prayer that his interior and exterior worlds align with the character of God and bring the LORD pleasure!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, virtual worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to align our internal feelings of love for God with our external daily lives that should be lived as our worship of God.

ToGather: Guarding Our Treasure with Faith, Love, and the Holy Spirit (September 4, 2022)

Paul's goal was not to clutter Timothy's mind with needless details, but to encourage him to guard his precious gospel treasure.

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in an online, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to inspire us to love the treasure of the gospel God invested in us and to live with faith, love, and the Holy Spirit as we proclaim and protec