Articles Tagged 'Confident'

ToGather: Made To Be More! (April 18, 2021)

We will exchange our mortal bodies for immortal bodies that are made for eternal glory!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to glorify God as we remember the encouraging future and forever-change we have in Jesus at his return in glory.

ToGather: Confident and Courageous! (April 11, 2021)

Jesus rose from the dead, so we choose to live based on the conviction that this world is not our home, while we long for our lasting and more glorious one!

Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to glorify God as we remember the life-changing implications of Jesus' resurrection.

Finding Contagious Joy

How can we move from contingent joy through courageous joy to contagious joy?

Max Lucado reminds us that contagious joy is rooted in courageous joy and not contingent joy, and our courageous joy is rooted in Jesus and faith in what God did through Jesus.

Blessed Assurance

Where is your certainty found?

Phillip Morrison reminds us that our assurance is based on what God does and has done in Jesus, not what we can accomplish for God!


Can you be trusted with precious and dangerous information?

Confidentiality is crucial to maintain when secrets have been entrusted to us.

Risky Business

Facing fear? Find Godpower to keep going.

Opening yourself up and becoming vulnerable is a risky, scary thing - but you've got to do it to grow! Find the Godpower you need to take the next right step.