Articles Tagged 'Danger'

Give Your Fears to the Father

How remarkable that Jesus felt such fear. But how kind that he told us about it.

Max Lucado reminds us that Jesus made all sorts of faces as he lived life much as we do, and because he has been where we are, even in the darkest of times, we can turn to him and find grace to help us in our times of need.

Questions on Our Journey of Faith

Someone who is without faith in God doesn't yearn for answers for their deepest questions from God. Our questions as believers can be signs that we are reaching out to God for reassurance.

James Nored and Phil Ware remind us in word and video that faith is not about always having the answers and never having doubts, but persevering on the journey to Jesus.

The Holy Family, Incarcerated!

Christ Church takes the story of the flight to Egypt and uses it to make us think about what the “old, old story” of Jesus tells us about this very contemporary issue.

Patrick Odum challenges us to think critically and lovingly in light of our new-found awareness of baby Jesus' status as a refugee from violence.

I'm Not Called to That?

Called. Sometimes, I think we use that word as an excuse to not do scary things.

Jordan Harrell reminds us that there are some things we are all called to do because that is what Jesus wants from us.

Courage for the Moment

Would I have the courage to act in a situation so dangerous where eternity hangs in the balance?

Phil Ware reminds us of the importance to act courageously for God, for good, and for grace even when it is dangerous because eternity hangs on our decision.


In an age that has lost any sense of sin, why worry about temptation?

Brian McCutchen reminds us that dealing with temptation is not easy for the Christian and must be dealt with seriously.

A Way Through the Ice Fall

How do we avoid magical thinking and shortcuts that dangerously risk our doom?

Phil Ware continues his series of articles on churches facing the challenges of the interim season and uses the imagery of high mountain climbing to help us appreciate the challenges.

Willing to Die on This Mountain

What are the mountains you would die on for what you believe and what you are called to do?

Phil Ware talks about finding our theological and missional mountains and how important it is to know them if you are going to call a minister with whom to partner.

I Did Not See That Happening

Satan loves to convince you that sin has no bad consequences. He is lying.

There are consequences for sin. Satan just wants you not to think about them.

Warming Up to Love!

What does a little girl do when a stranger from far away shows up at school?

Phil Ware shares more of his recent trip to Fortaleza, Brazil with Compassion International and the Nerd Herd to visit Compassion sites, projects, children, and churches.

Mud Dauber Determination

Saving spiders for their kids to eat?

Cathy Messecar uses the image of a mother mud dauber to give us some insight into a mother's role about paralyzing the evil influences in our children's lives.

Interconnected Grace

Far from isolationism, we are called to

Phil Ware challenges us to think about the small blue planet we find ourselves on and how are we going to interconnect it with grace.

The Wrong Direction

Which way would you run?

Phil Ware continues his series on The Story and focuses on both the events at the Boston Marathon and West Texas and also on Paul's confident hope in the face of his death in a Roman prison.

Beginnings in Endings: Mary Did You Know?

Mary's simple life was about to come to a dramatic end!

Phil Ware finishes the year 2012 with two powerful posts or articles about Jesus' birth and the people gathered around him, and emphasizes that God's greatest beginnings are found in hard endings.

The Long Wait

Aren't you glad Christmas is coming even on Thanksgiving?

Phil Ware talks about how important it is that Thanksgiving is followed by Christmas and he shares a personal story to remind us it is true!

Motel 6

When is a cup of coffee a whole lot more?

Thom Lemmons tells us a story that gets to the heart of danger in sexual temptation and lust and a need for a friend.

From Drift to Shift

Where are you going to end up when you get there?

Phil Ware begins a series called shift and warns about the dangers of drifting with culture and losing our way.

Transition out of Darkness

Are you helping transition those you love out of darkness?

Phil Ware continues his series of light on the dark side of the mountain and reminds us of Samuel, the great transitional leader of God.

Daring to Take Risks!

Why do we not explore when there is so much to be discovered?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we need more risk takers and that there is still so much of the world to be explored.

That He Might Be Glorified

How can such a disaster be a time for glorifying God?

Donna Riggs shares how God used a snow storm to prevent disaster for her church family.

Don't Lose Focus

What distracts you most easily?

Mike Barres reminds us to not be distracted with the things going on around us but fix our eyes on Jesus.

How Much Dirt?

When does a little filth become too much?

Russ Lawson challenges us to look at the way filth and dirt get into our lives and contaminate them and challenges us to pursue holiness and purity.

A Far Country

How can we protect them?

Letting a child go is a scary thing and when they hurt or they are killed or they go through a traumatic experience, it awful for the parent, so all we can do is ask that God be present and real for them.

I Was Robbed!

How important to you is your stuff?

A scary robbery experience helps Steve remember how precious and tenuous life is.

Lift Up Your Eyes

Where are your eyes pointed these days?

Lift up your eyes is a call for vision, a call to not walk in fear of danger, but to look for the new, the glory, the things God is calling us to embrace.