Articles Tagged 'Day' (Page 4)

Coming Home

Have you ever wondered how God feels on his end of things?

Phil Ware shares about his son coming for Thanksgiving and it reminds him how much God must anticipate his children coming home to him.


How do we keep the concerns from stealing our thanksgiving?

Phil Ware talks about how to keep thanksgiving a part of our daily lives even though we face challenging times.

Something to Complain About

Why is it so easy to find the negative?

Max Lucado reminds us that we can all find something to complain about even in the best of circumstances, but we can focus on the good and see the work God is doing in us!

Did You Learn This in Sunday School?

How about this for the discovery of all life has for you?

Ron Rose talks about moving from waiting to tell the story to being the story in someone's life today.

The Highest Compliment

Why would he do such a thing?

Phil Ware describes several passages of Scripture that use the image of a mother bird or a woman in labor to express their love for new Christians, and then says this is the highest compliment a mom can receive.


In the middle of this mess, would you still have called Jesus Lord?

Phil Ware continues his series on Jesus from the Gospel of John called unpredictable, and focuses on Mary Magdalene calling Jesus Lord in the middle of all sorts of grief, sorrow, despair, discouragement, loss, and hopelessness and is given the gift o

As Different as...

How important are our differences?

Phil Ware continues his series on Outside the Walls, looking at Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman at the well and reminding us that they are more alike than they are different: both need Jesus and his truth, life, and love.

No Greater Love

Admit it! Accept it! Share it!

Tom Norvell talks about God's love for us in Jesus and also anniversaries.

A Manger, A Cross, and an Empty Tomb

How could it happen like this?

Bill Sherrill reminds us that the manger and the promises given to Mary would make the Cross seem impossible to understand until the empty tomb and the resurrection brought back the praise the angels gave on the day he was born.

Merry Christmas?

Isn't happy holidays just too bland?

Rubel Shelly shares very respectfully the reason he wants to say Merry Christmas.

Beyond Fixing Bicycles

Have you stopped lately to share the journey with another?

Russ Lawson reminds us to share the journey with others whether they are rejoicing or crying, we can help in many ways, sometimes by just being with them.

A Day for Thanks and Prayer

What does freedom mean?

A collection of Scriptures for July 4, Independence Day.

Making Faith Look Foolish

So when is Jesus' return?

Rubel Shelly talks about the end of the world, which a prediction missed once again, and how those who do not live faith embarrass the cause of Christ.


Every sacrifice matters, that's why he came!

Image for memorial day.

Leaving an Imprint of a Mother's Faith

What's a mom supposed to do with wet cement?

Phil Ware continues his series on Mary the mother of Jesus called window to wonder and talks about Mary forming Jesus.


What's so special about Sunday, everything!

Phil Ware shares insights on Sunday, the Resurrection Day of the Lord and why the disciples miss it and why we often do as well.

I Love You

What is the greatest Valentine you have ever received?

Quotations from Scripture about God's love for us in Jesus.

Groundhog Day

Is it Groundhog Day again?

Like the movie Groundhog Day, life can seem like an endless cycle of meaningless days, an unending quest for happiness. The author of Ecclesiastes tells us the secret to escaping the cycle.

No Regrets

It's not too late to start today!

Mike Barres reminds us that it is never too late to begin pursuing God's dreams and plans and purposes for us.

A Mother's Day Surprise

What is the best you can do today on Mothers' Day?

Some surprises on mother's day are not wanted.

A Simple Phone Call

Isn't it amazing the difference one simple phone call can make?

Tom Norvell talks about a phone call he received on his 57th birthday from an old friend and mentor and how special and important it was to him.

Catch & Release: Witnesses

Why would he choose this bunch to be his plan?

Phil Ware continues his series on Catch and Release reminding us that we are chosen to be Jesus' witnesses specifically because of who we are and what he has done for us in our lives.

Traveling Mercies: You've Got to Be Kidding Me!

I've bet you have had a bunch of these moments at Christmas!

Phil Ware writes about Christmas, Joseph and Mary, and the "You've got to be kidding me!" moments in the life of Jesus.

Don't Forget to Wish for the Best

When was the last time you sat down with the

Rick Brown finds a Black Friday experience that pushes him back to the real meaning of Christmas and the old Sears Wish Book.


Shouldn't somebody help?

Phil Ware uses a car full of girls running out of gas on the way to church to connect Jesus' ministry and Moses' call to our opportunity to be God's tools of deliverance in the lives of those around us.