Articles Tagged 'Difficult' (Page 4)

Why Such Bad Answers?

Where did this try it before you buy idea come from?

Rubel Shelly talks about the try it before you buy idea, the test drive mentality, that infests the idea about marriage in modern society and he boils the problem down to selfishness.

Follow Me

What will you do with

Phil Ware talks about theodicy, why good people suffer and the call to follow Jesus no matter what.

A New Normal

What are you going to do in the new financial environment?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the economic times, especially the financial downturn, gives us an opportunity to learn new things and establish new values, more biblical values, in our approach to consumption, greed, and ownership.

Don't Abandon Optimism

What's there to feel good about?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that there is something positive about thinking with an optimistic spirit and believing things can get done and be better.

Peace Be with You!

Have you found purpose, meaning, and peace in the life you are living?

Phil Ware continues his lifewords series on the post resurrection sayings of Jesus and considers Jesus' blessing, "Peace be with you!"

When Heroes Walk

Sometimes, it takes everything to just keep walking!

Phil Ware shares a message about hanging on and keeping on walking in the face of adversity, pain, hardship, and challenge.

Last Thoughts or Long Commitments?

Would Timothy make it, and if he did, would he be faithful?

Phil Ware uses Timothy's release from prison to be an opportunity to look at how we are to live in a culture opposed to Christianity.

Air Traffic Controller

How will we make it through?

Tom Norvell talks about an air traffic controller landing a plane and how his dad was a blessing.

Make a Faith Choice

When the world caves in, do you make a faith choice?

Ron Rose talks about a couple that loses everything beside faith and then finds an opportunity to influence others for God.

How Less Becomes More

How in the world does having less mean having more?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that even in a season when folks have less than they are used to having, if they look they will actually find that they have more.

Putting Up Christmas Lights

Have you got your strings of light hung yet?

Rob Frazier writes about why he puts up Christmas lights and how each of us has some light to share with others.

Emotional Residue

How can we live above it?

Mike Barres reminds us that discouragements can leave an emotional residue and keep us from living as we should, but we can do some things to live as God would have us live!

Showing God's Love

What can you do to show it?

Alan Smith shares a story about Doug Nichols in India while he was in a sanatarium and how his service opened the door to his evangelism.

The Least I Can Do?

How do we move beyond election partisanship to moral change?

Rob Woodfin challenges us to do more than vote and then wash our hands of the matters that afflict our time and culture.

Steering through the Storms

How are you going to find your way through the mess?

Rubel Shelly talks about how we can navigate through the economic and political storms and also reminds us that adversity is the opportunity for new beginnings.

Facing Life's Uh-oh's

What do you do when the problems come?

Ron Rose writes about life's obstacles and challenges us to follow the example of others who have lived beyond their limits.

Stressed Out

So how are you going to avoid it happening to you?

Patrick Odum learns that Chicago is the most stressful city in America and shares some insight on stress.

Bent Out of Shape

How bent are you?

Patrick Odum reminds us that there are all sorts of ways to be bent and only Jesus can unshackle us from our position.

Handicapped and His Glory

How can a crippling situation or handicap actually be an open door for the Savior?

Sarah Stirman has reason to reflect on being crippled or handicapped and being useful to God.


Wouldn't you have been upset?

Sarah Stirman writes about a time her husband didn't quite follow through on getting their pre-school kids to Bible class and she gets angry, but the Lord challenges her to forgive!

The Comma Makes All the Difference

How do you punctuate your life and walk with God?

Ron Rose talks about where we find our significance and comfort in life, God or false substitutes.

Keep on Speaking

What will it take to make you back down?

Tom Norvell reminds us to keep on speaking up for the Lord even in hostile situations and difficult circumstances.

One Phone Call

Why wait to the last minute to make the call?

Russ Lawson reminds us that we had better follow through on those things that are most important to us because all we have is now.

Flexible Trees

Can you sway without breaking or falling?

Mike Barres reminds us that we need to be like trees: flexible, rooted, connected, and built on the rock.

Praise the Lord Anyway

How in the world can you praise the Lord at a time like this?

Mike Barres reminds us that life is full of hardship and curve balls, but we can learn to praise the Lord anyway.