Articles Tagged 'Dna'

Merry Christmas!

We pray the Lord blesses you with the grace of Jesus' presence this Christmas!

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A Key Tool in the Master's SIGnature Toolset

You mean I am an important tool in God's ministry toolset?

Phil Ware reminds us that God longs to fashion us into a vital tool in The Master's SIGnature Toolset to be used for Kingdom and church ministry.

Let There Be Light

How deep is the darkness where you shine your light?

Phil Ware continues his dialogue on darkness and light and emphasizes the importance of shining our light in the darkness and

C2K - DNA Testing

Does the connection show up in our ministry?

All too frequently people claiming to follow Jesus separate proclamation from compassion, evangelism from service, but if we have a DNA connection with Jesus, both must be present.

Drafting Your Thanksgiving Fantasy Team

This is a team we can all be thankful for!

Ron Rose reminds us that Thanksgiving is about those who have blessed us and our being a blessing back by letting them know and thanking them.

Cloning the Son of God?

Surely this can't be done in the test tube or research laboratory?

Jesus is much more than his DNA: even this hoax can't begin to explain Jesus as God's Son.