Articles Tagged 'Do' (Page 15)

Lost and Found

Isn't it a blessing when you find what's been lost?!

Phil Ware tells about a time he lost his son Zachary and then found him and the joy of finding lost sheep in the teaching of Jesus.

Art, Crime, and Justice

When is it time to tell the self-appointed elite they are wrong?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that Roman Polanski is a predator and is not to be given any special treatment because he is part of the media elite.

Well Done!

Don't you just love to hear the words said to you!

Tom Norvell reminds of how beautiful it will be to hear "Well done!" from the Lord and how important it is for us to say it to each other until his coming.


What can make a dying boy say

A dying boy reminds us of the things we should celebrate

Ain't Nothin' New?

Will things ever change for me?

Phil Ware reminds that God still has the whole world in his hands and he can get us out of our ruts and break through the barriers that hold us captive to boredom and sameness.

Gratitude that Costs Us Something

How can we be thankful without doing something significant?

Patrick Odum talks about gratitude and thankfulness for the grace we have received and all the blessings we have in Christ and in life.

Where's the Power?

What happened to the power Jesus promise?

Phil Ware continues the LifeWORDS series and focuses on Jesus' promise to send the power of the Holy Spirit to empower the church.

Follow Me

What will you do with

Phil Ware talks about theodicy, why good people suffer and the call to follow Jesus no matter what.

A New Normal

What are you going to do in the new financial environment?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the economic times, especially the financial downturn, gives us an opportunity to learn new things and establish new values, more biblical values, in our approach to consumption, greed, and ownership.

What Ever Happened to that Country?

I want to belong to a country that lasts forever.

The countries and powers of this world do not last. I want to belong to a kingdom that lasts forever. I do.

My Brothers!

How could He see so much more in them than they had ever demonstrated?

Phil Ware shares insight in his LifeWORDS series on the resurrection sayings of Jesus and how Jesus forgave and empowered his failures, his disciples, by this forgiveness.

Worth Doing Poorly?

What do you do that you are not good at doing?

Rubel Shelly reminds us to try new things, to take risks, and to find some things we don't do well rather than falling into stale and boring ruts only doing the things we do well.

God's Gift of Family Grace

Sometimes the biggest story at church is not one you know!

Phil Ware shares a Mothers' Day story of God's grace and the reunion of a family brought together through adoption.

Just Part of the Job

A brain injury and a call for the maintenance man?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that the real challenge is to be resourceful and take our meager resources and big challenges and put them in the hands of the Living God.

What Difference Can One Make?

Can one person really make a difference

Phil Ware looks at Ruth and Naomi and the difference one faithful person can make in everything!

Giving What Can't Be Kept

If you can't keep something, why not give it up?

There is nothing foolish about turning our back on the things of this life in order to gain a life that has no end.

Simon's Mistaken Judgement

Where in the world did she come from?

Rubel Shelly compares the prophet Samuel choosing a king to Simon Cowell's view of a woman from Scotland trying to sing and reminds us that outward appearances don't reveal talent or the heart of a person.

Undo Send: What a Great Idea!

Don't you wish you could take back some things you've said?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of our need to restrain our urge to speak too quickly and compares that to a new gmail feature called undo send

Under the Passover Moon

So why did those friends of Jesus fall asleep on him?

Lois Tverberg shares from her blog on the Jewishness of Jesus and about why the disciples fell asleep on the night of Jesus' betrayal.


Is this really a situation that demands a 911 call?

Patrick Odum tells about a woman who didn't get her chicken McNuggets and called 911 three times to report it because she thought the situation was an emergency.

The Unmentioned Essentials

Do you notice the folks around you who are the true heroes?

Phil Ware shares about two people passing from life and how their quiet lives of service were essential to the work of God's Kingdom.

Don't Trust a Shadow

Why do we chase after what is not substance?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that image is not substance and shadow is not tree: trust the tree not the shadow!

God Has a Plan for Us

Where do you fit into God's plan?

Tom Norvell writes about God's plan for us from Ephesians 1 and reminds us that we are chosen and God has something special for us to do!

Putting My Life Where My Mouth Is

Are we up to our talk?

Phil Ware challenges us to leave behind intention and move out into the world of action as we seek care for our broken world and overcome the criticism that we are uncaring hypocrites who are not willing to help.

Wrong Names

What we say is a reflection of our heart and mind.

The wisdom of the world often reflects the words of God. For example: what you say reflects what is in your heart.