Articles Tagged 'Do' (Page 22)

Weighed Down

What are you trying to carry around with you that is hindering you?

Most of us are trying to carry around things that don't matter very much and they are weighing us down from doing what God wants!

Getting Things Right

How are you doing at getting things right?

When we mess things up, we need to confess and say we're sorry and change our behaviors and our heart.

Buy Your Own Gift!

Could you afford the price of this gift?

We couldn't pay the debt of our sin, so God paid it for us in Jesus, but will we accept this gift?

Happy Birthday Bro!

What are you supposed to do with those December birthdays?

We are thankful for our brothers' birthdays, but our Big Brother's birthday is the most important of them all.

With Power

Is it more than just mere words?

The gospel is about a lot more than words -- without the power of a transformed life it means little.

Lady and Champ

Can letting go help us go on to greater things?

A move that left Kelly missing two neighbors and their pets left a hole in heart until she realized that God had filled her life with new friends and new pets.

You Must Remember the Forgotten

Will you remember those everyone else forgets?

True religion is more than just spouting off religious phrases and remaining isolated from worldly people -- it means to take the sin and worldliness out of people and take care of them.

Me, A Doormat?

Come on, Jesus wouldn't want us to lay down our life like this, would he?

While we don't like the thought of being a doormat, the example of Jesus teaches us some things about our need to serve others.

September Song

Can we draw closer in the latter years of our life?

We don't have to grow dim as we age, we can grow closer to God!

Quality Over Quantity

Can there be any joy in the death of a 13 year old?

A person's life is not judged by its length but by its impact.

Christian Independence Day

What is Christian Independence Day?

Christian Independence day is each and every Sunday as we celebrate our deliverance from death through the Lord's Supper.

You Can't Do That!

So it can't be done?

How many times have we not done something the Lord wanted us to do because someone said it can't be done?

Talking Donkeys Like Me!

Do you have more to say than a donkey?

God can use us even if and when we are imperfect and don't think we have much to offer.

Why Do We Do It?

What keeps us doing the Heartlight ministry?

Request for help and an explanation why we keep Heartlight going.

Window to the Heart of God

Can we know how God felt when His Son died?

Mary helps us understand what it must have been like for God; she is the window to God's heart.

Christian First!

What comes first in your life?

We should be a Christian and seek Christ's purposes for our life and his Kingdom as our first priority.

Faithful Friends?

Can I find a friend that is truly faithful?

Friends are fickle and Jesus' friends were truly fickle and faithfless, but Jesus is a faithful friend.

It Isn't Over

When does this season end?

Some things come and go, but this one thing is always in season and this season never ends.

Where Does it All Come From?

Where does the strength for a crisis come from?

Strength for trials -- heroic and righteous behaviors -- don't just spring up, but are built into the fabric of our everyday lives through faithfulness in small things.

The Sudden Kingdom

Have you ventured beyond the grace you've received?

Jesus brings us gracious gifts, but if we receive the gift without thanking and praising Him, we miss out on the Sudden Kingdom.

The Heart and Soul of Success

An appreciation for those in the trenches ...

While in the world the folks who are the secret to success don't get noticed, God notices the servants among us and so must we.

Time for a Rewind?

Can we really get do-overs?

God offers us something better than a do-over, mulligan, and second chance; he offers us forgiveness and cleansing.

Pollyanna Piety

Is God really going to protect from us from every bad thing?

God never promised to protect us from every bad thing; he only promised to save us and turn every bad thing into a good one.

The Destruction Behind Remodeling

Could God be behind the destruction in your life?

Sometimes things have to be destroyed, pealed away, torn apart, and ripped out before they can be rebuilt by God.

In Honor of the Lord

What ever happened to Merry Christmas?

We have let the world take Jesus out of Christmas and just make it a secular holiday; let's remember to make sure any holiday we celebrate is to the Lord and put Jesus back into our Christmas celebrations.