Articles Tagged 'Do' (Page 9)


Where are you from?

They had a heavenly accent. They spoke in such a way that everybody knew they were on a journey, one that would end in heaven. They knew, as the old hymn says, "This world is not my home, I'm just a passin' through." They were on their way to the city God

Blessed: Gracious Servant

Sometimes we look God's greatest blessings in the face and miss them!

Phil Ware takes a moment to remind us of the importance of serving those who are caregivers and holding them up as heroes and recognizing that these people are considered precious in God's Kingdom.

Getting Our Lives on Track

Life is full of ups and downs, but God goes with us through it all!

Bill Sherrill reminds us that life is full of ups and downs, good things and bad, so we need to find the good and not the bad.


What is really mastering us?

Phil Ware gets personal about the idols in his life and wanting to be re-Mastered by Jesus.

Go Fast!

Life does 'go fast' so make the moments count and live for your grandchildren to pass on faith!

Phil Ware talks about his NASCAR Experience and his father and passing on faith to future generations.

Think You Are a 'Hopeless Case'?

The Father is looking to use you, no matter how unlikely it seems possible!

Rubel Shelley reminds us that God does his best work through the most unlikely of people.

Yogi and Red Trucks

Don't you have any of those red trucks to send?

Rubel Shelly reminds us of the character who was Yogi Berra and reminds us that we need to be certain about our communication.

Sin and Grace

Do we really need either of these? Absolutely yes!

Rubel Shelly writes about Pope Francis and the year of pardon for abortion and other sins that is available and how the world doesn't seem to get sin and wrong doing and guilt.

Almost Destroyed by the Actions of Another

Can you come back from near total destruction?

Stacy Voss shares the parallel between a house burned by a nearby car and the destruction in her life because of infidelity and divorce.

YOU Matter to God

Sometimes we just need to be reminded that we matter.

Brian McCutchen reminds us that we are known, loved and valued by God.

Discovering 'My Truth'

Does it really matter if we simply adjust our definition of truth to fit our own way of living?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that while we can adjust many things to fit our lifestyle and personal reality, truth is still truth despite our protestations and personal journey.

Reason to Smile

What such a dour and serious face?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that being dour doesn't help any of us make disciples or friends.

Saved From... Saved For!

We don't want to be swimming with Jonah on the shoreline!

Phil Ware continues with his series on Saved at Sea from the great Bible stories of sea rescues and this time examines Jonah and that he was saved from death for God's great purposes.

Delete! Delete! Delete!

What can you do after the message is sent?

Rubel Shelly reminds us that we have to choose our words carefully because we don't have an unsend button for our mouth or a delete button to use after the words are spoken.

Flying High with Freedom!

We have been set free, so let's not give up our freedom?

Phil Ware reflects on the importance of freedom and what Paul teaches in Galatians.

The Creator Brings Grace

Can you drown out all the noise and simply listen for the Creator's voice in the Bible's first chapter?

Phil Ware continues his series of messages based on the sea passages of the Bible, called Saved at Sea, this post is called Something Beautiful, Someone Good.

Our Healing Strength

How do we look beyond the horizon of our own earth-bound circumstances?

Phillip Morrison writes about the weather in Texas and the reminder that we need to look beyond the horizon of our own circumstance and remember the promise, hope, redemption, and healing of God.

Defying ISIS: #togESTHER

What we can do to help!

Ann Voskamp on going to Iraq and meeting with those who have lost so much to ISIS and she calls us to wake up and do something

Made a Difference to That One!

Moving beyond starfish to children.

Phil Ware writes about the differences we can make in the lives of those who are younger, especially our children.

Beyond My Broken Prayers

Is there a way through times of ineffective prayer?

Phil Ware continues his series on Nehemiah and focuses on prayers, especially when prayers seem to go unanswered and we feel alone, frustrated, disappointed, discouraged, and ignored by God.

A Grey Sponge or a Pure Heart

Do you really want to fill your sponge with grey water?

Teresa Bell Kindred compares seeing Fifty Shades of Grey to a dirty mop bucket and a sponge.


What do you do about those iceberg dates on your calendar that seem to sink you?

Phil Ware comes in right after Valentine's Day and reminds us about iceberg dates on our calendar that tend to sink us and overwhelm us with feelings of being alone, being failures, and being abandoned but that we can overcome them by crying out to Jesus

Not Left as Orphans

What can we expect the Spirit to do for us?

Phil Ware continues a short series on the Holy Spirit focusing on John 14 and what it means for Jesus to not leave us as orphans, but to come to us and show himself to us and be in us and make his home with us.

'A Sort of Christ'

Can we re-find the way of Christ?

Rubel Shelly challenges us as the church to awaken to the call of Jesus and arise from our lethargy as an institution to reclaim our mission and purpose as Jesus' presence in the world.

Safe Place?

Where can we go and know that we are truly safe?

Rubel Shelly writes about the terror attack in France and about how we can only find our security in God.