Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in a virtual, DIY, worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to encourage and build up each other and learn to live out our own version of Ed-ness.
06/04/2022 by Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware
Tom Norvel sees the folks who face uphill challenges and yet keep on keeping on and is amazed and thanks them and affirms them and wants to be more like them.
09/08/2019 by Tom Norvell
Rubel Shelly writes about Pope Francis and the year of pardon for abortion and other sins that is available and how the world doesn't seem to get sin and wrong doing and guilt.
09/19/2015 by Rubel Shelly
Rick Brown talks about discipleship being more than sitting and learning, it involves going and doing.
10/24/2011 by Rick Brown
Steve Higginbotham tells about his daughter learning the most important lesson of all, wan ting to be like Jesus.
07/01/2007 by Steve Higginbotham
Paul has a scare while tending his goats and it makes him realize the urgency of now, of doing the things today that need to be done and saying the things that need to be said right now.
09/01/2006 by Paul Faulkner
When we mess things up, we need to confess and say we're sorry and change our behaviors and our heart.
01/13/2005 by Russ Lawson